Another Paradise Camp "P.O.V"


Nov 4, 2015
This is from the UNCLE of 2019 RB/SS Montrey Johnson, who participated in the Friday portion of the camp. Posted by him on 247sports.

After Day 1 of the event:

Today was one of the best days of my life!
I don't have many besides the day my daughter was born.
I only took one picture today guys because they really didn't want no media going and i didn't want to abuse being able to be up close & personal.

My nephew was solid for the most part when i watch, CMR invited him back tomorrow.

To start the day we immediately felt love & like a family/brotherhood atmosphere from the minute we parked and got out the car we were greeted by GA's giving us directions.

As soon as we walked inside Rumph & Quan#8 there saying what's up.
We went outside and Big Gus got the boys stretched & fired up.
To be honest i barely watch the reps & workouts because my mind was just blown at the amount of talent was outthere as far as current players and recruits.
I had a conversation with Deejay Dallas for about 10-15 mins and that kid is a great young man who awesome talking with you would think you grew up with him his personality is so cool.
Next I saw a pack of big beefy/swole good looking (NoHoMo) dudes walking in wearing green work out gear. They are from Louisiana Southern Lab School. Those guys are so physically imposing for a high school team.
Moved some down the field and i was hanging out with the DJ Big Vern. Super cool dude we chopped it up bout high school & future of the u.

After while the stars rolled in ..... Kenny Phillips looks involved and happy to be home.
Duke Johnson came threw and showed a lot of love.
Duke is like a ninja turtle man he's ripped.

I saw Cager and he looked depressed most of the day i him to keep his head up and don't stress it.

The highlights of the day came at the BBQ/PoolParty.

We got there super early ahead of the crowd so Jorge Baez - Brian Edwards - BW Father & Myself started playing dominoes/bones it was pretty fun.

After that CMR - Joel Rodriquez- Brian Edwards and myself started playing a game where you throw a bean bag in a wooden board with a hole in it.
CMR & Edwards was on teams and they beat the crap out of everybody.
Once CMR taught him how to toss it they went on a roll together and that really made them connect. CMR was really impress how BW took what he taught him and mastered it so fast.
I eventually tap out because i couldn't find a partner to compete.

The Pool party was the focus next and it started with Big Gus & Blake James a couple star players
(Quan - Coley -Walton - Carter - Thomas)
Then came big back flip from CMR.

Doing the divings i hungout with 3 Top Recruits.
Alex Leatherwood - Navaughn Donaldson - DJ Johnson

Leatherwood said he's committed to Bama because he likes how hard they work , the facilities , relationship with coaches & winning pedigree.
If you ask me he really wasn't interested.
I think it will take great season to sway him.

Donaldson was okay he hungout with Leatherwood most of the time ..... He doesn't talk much.

DJ Johnson talk with me for hours on the fence as we watch people jump from the top platform.
He is a really cool straight forward dude.
He told me that his big brother (DL @ Sac St loved the U growing up and it rubbed off on him.
He's all came just a matter of doing it at the rite time. He talked about how cool Coach Kul is.
He said Cali and Miami compares just more trees down here.
His parents are cool with him going to his dream school.
His favorite player is Sean Taylor ... I urged him to try to get #26.
It was funny we kept bargaining on who would go jump from the top platform and i told him if i get Coach KUL to do it then he gotta do it ... Sure enough i told Kul if he did it then DJ would and they both agreed and excuted it.
DJ talked about official visiting for FSU if it be a night game ... Says otherwise it will be different with the time change/difference.
Overall solid dude very chill type of guy.


Mark my words ... Jerry Jeudy will stay in Miami for his girlfriend or leave Miami to get away from her it's as simple as that lol.

Marcos Wilson really enjoyed himself, he hung tight with Rumph all day.

Al Blades Jr Looked rite at home!

I didn't know Brian Edwards committed until i got to the hotel room.
CMR & Brian Edwards bonded threw a bean bag game guys CMR is the truth.

That's it tomorrow should have photos & extra tidbits

After Day 2 (Posted within an hour ago):

Staff did a tremendous job covering things so I'll just speak from my vantage point.
Got a chance to meet the new guy on the block Andrew invins he did a great job.

One thing that i notice this pass weekend is Alex Leatherwood & Navaughn Donaldson were jointed at the hip for about 99% of the time. That's could be very good or very bad for us depending on each other influences for either Miami Or Alabama.

Another thing was Alex Leatherwood - Navaughn Donaldson - Marquis Hayes all stood next to each other and it look like the Great Wall of China.
The backs notice and it's a scary thought visualizing Lorenzo Lingard behind them.

Deejay Dallas has been label as more of a football player then athlete but that's not the case when you watch him in person, he definitely has on field speed he repeatedly beat people deep and even on defense no one really besides JeudySickFeet got away from him.

DJ Johnson and i hungout periodically and the more i talk to him the more impress i am of the type kid he is especially considering all the accolades he has and will get ..... Super Humble Guy!

One moment that stood out to me was watching Sapp & Shockey Shake out there differences.
I expected a war of words but they cause was greater then the cheap beef.

Really like what i saw & heard from Phillip Buchanon he personally worked with Deejay Dallas you can tell he took a liking to him.

Devonta Smith & Jerry Jeudy Seperate Consistently Separated.
Smith had some nice catches over top of DB's.
Harley did his thing as well.

I'm ashamed to say but 2018 Casey Thompson hungout around my immediate area with us a lot and i didn't know that was him, he looked like and RB or DB so i didn't pick up on him.

N'Kosi Perry Mingled around with everybody he has a swagger about him that I'm excited to see going forward.
I joked with Kaaya/Perry that they should go get Jeudy out of his girlfriends grasp but they both laughed saying they gotta let him do his thing.

Can't think of anything else but if i do I'll post later.
Want to close by saying Mark Richt & Staff made this a tremendous Family/Brotherhood atmosphere.
For me to be basically a nobody and get embraced by Staff & Alumi & Players & Etc it was great Experience.

From the same guy:

The Best Apart About Having A Conversation With DJ Johnson Was Seeing How Much He Like Miami.

A Lot Of Kids Say Miami Is The Dream School For Them But He Really Means It.

He Said Miami Had No Idea He Was Interested Until He Made Contact ..... That's Huge Of Him.
I Told Him We Didn't Have Much Luck On That Side Besides Williams-Dorsey-Telemaque-Kaaya-Milo So Please Forgive Us.

I'm Excited For What's Next With Him.
Man that was great. Gonna be honest that is scary about Donaldson/leatherwood. Don't get a good feel on that. Just my opinion. Other than that I am good with the other news. This is a refreshing change and I have all the confidence in the world coach is going to get it done. Maybe not at the pace most will want but I think he will be just fine.

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Best line: "Mark my words ... Jerry Jeudy will stay in Miami for his girlfriend or leave Miami to get away from her it's as simple as that lol." Someone at Miami got to get to work on that relationship.
Man that was great. Gonna be honest that is scary about Donaldson/leatherwood. Don't get a good feel on that. Just my opinion. Other than that I am good with the other news. This is a refreshing change and I have all the confidence in the world coach is going to get it done. Maybe not at the pace most will want but I think he will be just fine.

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Accidently downvoted this
I wouldn't read anything into Donaldson & Leatherwood being joined at the hip during camp, that's how all Offensive Linemen are.
OL's are a special breed of athletes & it's often said (at least in the NFL), that OL's are the smartest guys on the team & they're always inseparable.
Plus, based on Leatherwood's comments after Paradise, it sounds like we've actually moved up his list some. Bama is still in the lead, but it sounds like he's at least interested in Miami & willing to give us a shot come January to sway him our way.
Five-star OL Leatherwood Loved Paradise Camp, Will Return
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Mark my words; if we win this year, we keep Jeudy, Wilson (Chad coming back was huge) and flip Leatherwood. This camp wasn't even an official, kinda put on last minute since this is Mark's first year, and look at the turnout. Kids, who probably didn't even know their favorite players or commentators were Canes got to see them.

How can teams negatively recruit now? Campus in the hood? That myth was smashed! Golden coaching? He's fired! The Cloud? Gone October/2016! Don't put players in the league? Nothing but former/current NFL players, pro bowlers, and HOFers showed up! Won't face great competition? The camp showed the best of the best and who we're after, and they competed against each other!

What can other teams really say now? Just like Urban's Meyer's worst nightmare was Michigan getting a competent coach, Saban and Fisher's worst nightmare was Miami getting a competent coach. 10 wins, plus a bowl victory = a fence being rebuilt around OUR state.
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Leathwood might be one of Nick saban spies just like James cook might be one of jimbo spies, or maybe Donaldson is one of CMR spies to let us know if where wasting our time I don't know food for thought.
Was Jeudys girlfriend the chick with the purple hair? If so, then yeah, she wasn't letting him leave her sight. Lol. Could be a good thing for us.

Thanks for posting the write up.
After that CMR - Joel Rodriquez- Brian Edwards and myself started playing a game where you throw a bean bag in a wooden board with a hole in it.

Wooden board with a hole in it- corn hole! LMAO! Brother's don't do this unless they hanging with a group of their white friends in the parking lot. Good stuff. We getting there.