Amazon knows what the fans want


Day Drinker
Mar 1, 2015
Fire TV Miami.webp

Saw this for their Fire Stick/TV. Wonder what made then use Kyle Wright.
I'd be ****ed if I was him, thinking what could have been, if he'd studied off the field more.
I'm concerned about the popcorn that seems to defy gravity. The guy in the middle sums up the Wright era pretty well.
Well they did use variations of Orange and Green...The Green is more Seattle Seahawk than 'Cane, no surprise from Amazon.
If you saw this online, it is almost guaranteed to be a targeted ad, Where the image on the screen adjusts based on your search history/cookies.
I'd be ****ed if I was him, thinking what could have been, if he'd studied off the field more.

He's in medical sales KILLING it. He made over 550k last year, how much did you make?
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I'd be ****ed if I was him, thinking what could have been, if he'd studied off the field more.

He's in medical sales KILLING it. He made over 550k last year, how much did you make?

I own a company that manages medical salesmen, and I made 1.1 mil and various pharma stock options. He's doing ok, I guess, but now we need to audit his sales history because he only reported $522k. Thanks for the tip. I'll give him an extra few days of vacation while we look into his "numbers."
I'd be ****ed if I was him, thinking what could have been, if he'd studied off the field more.

He's in medical sales KILLING it. He made over 550k last year, how much did you make?

I own a company that manages medical salesmen, and I made 1.1 mil and various pharma stock options. He's doing ok, I guess, but now we need to audit his sales history because he only reported $522k. Thanks for the tip. I'll give him an extra few days of vacation while we look into his "numbers."

I'd be ****ed if I was him, thinking what could have been, if he'd studied off the field more.

He's in medical sales KILLING it. He made over 550k last year, how much did you make?

I own a company that manages medical salesmen, and I made 1.1 mil and various pharma stock options. He's doing ok, I guess, but now we need to audit his sales history because he only reported $522k. Thanks for the tip. I'll give him an extra few days of vacation while we look into his "numbers."


I've never met Jewfro, but if he can sell a spinny derbish to a pregnant ER administrator I bet he could really skip back on the MRI bangers,
If I wanted to watch a show about snitches, I'd just rewatch The Sopranos.
According to his LinkedIn page Kyle works as an Application Sales Manager for Oracle.
I'd be ****ed if I was him, thinking what could have been, if he'd studied off the field more.

He's in medical sales KILLING it. He made over 550k last year, how much did you make?

I own a company that manages medical salesmen, and I made 1.1 mil and various pharma stock options. He's doing ok, I guess, but now we need to audit his sales history because he only reported $522k. Thanks for the tip. I'll give him an extra few days of vacation while we look into his "numbers."

Actually you manage my lawn for $50 a pop. But nice try, you almost had no one convinced.
I'd be ****ed if I was him, thinking what could have been, if he'd studied off the field more.

He's in medical sales KILLING it. He made over 550k last year, how much did you make?

I own a company that manages medical salesmen, and I made 1.1 mil and various pharma stock options. He's doing ok, I guess, but now we need to audit his sales history because he only reported $522k. Thanks for the tip. I'll give him an extra few days of vacation while we look into his "numbers."

Actually you manage my lawn for $50 a pop. But nice try, you almost had no one convinced.

Maybe he mows 10,999 other lawns as well.