All Black Uniforms FSU Game

Lies No GIF
View attachment 308328
It was a tweet. He was referencing the UM graphic and said notice anything about it?
I will be there wearing the color the team says to wear. If I don't have a shirt I like in the color they ask me to wear, I will do something nuts and buy a new one to match the request.

Was mostly jesting about some of the predictions the guys make and their hedging.
When I met Cam on Monday night at the HTS signing and had him sign my new style black UM helmet he made a comment to me that “he really liked these” and I told him we should wear them vs FSU bc we don’t know if we’ll have another night home game and he kinda smiled at me and said “we’ll see.” Now I know why! 🙌🏻
The entire athletic department and now university has taken massive steps entering big boy territory. Unfortunately I believe the ticketing office and marketing department are still stuck in mediocrity. I would really like to see those areas take a big step forward after this season because the rest is where it needs to be or very close.

Marketing department and ticketing office don’t do themselves any favors and it always shows during times like this
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