The Entire State of Alabama Is Nuts


C'est la vie
Dec 30, 2012
Rashaan Evans, five-star linebacker from Auburn High School in Ala., believes he made the right decision for his future when he signed with Alabama on Wednesday.

There are plenty of people who support Evans regardless of his decision, but every fan base has a few immature individuals who take the decision of a high school stranger too personal. Those fans vent frustration on message boards and or social media.

"It's getting worse," Evans said on Monday evening. "Someone actually put out an article about my family's business telling all Auburn fans not to go there. We are going to eventually start losing money. People are telling restaurants in the town not to serve us.

"It's hard for me to go out and chill with my friends like I have always done because people keep coming up to me telling me I made a bad decision. It's grown men. They are asking me why I did this to them. I told them I had to do what is best for me.

"You know I knew this would happen. I knew people would be mad and say stuff. I didn't think it would be like this. It wasn't a complete shock to me, but I guess that's just how fans are.

"It's just crazy right now. What's getting crazy is people are going to the board at my school trying to get me in trouble. They are telling my teachers I am a bad kid and all this stuff. It's just bad right now.

"Social media has definitely been the worst. People on Instagram are telling me how they hope I tear my ACL in game one. They will laugh when I do. They are saying my family is horrible and how they didn't raise me right. It's just crazy."

Evans has another fan base eager for the nation's top linebacker to arrive in Tuscaloosa.

"The support from Alabama fans has been by far the greatest," he said. "They have made me feel a lot better about my decision. They are doing nothing but showing me love. They make me see I have people who are always going to have my back.

"Kirby [Smart] always sends me an inspirational texts. He tells me not to worry what people are saying. He said to make sure once I get there just get ready for work.

"Auburn fans are saying I am going to ride the bench, and I am going to be like Reuben Foster. People are adding his family and how they are low-lifes. They talk about his mom. You wouldn't think some of them are human. I knew it was going to be horrible. You know it's out of hand when people come up to you saying stuff. People you don't know. People who are grown men."


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I just think this is horrible, but also think it's funny that if he misses a tackle or makes a bad play Alabama fans will be doing the exact same to him.
Lulz. Auburn fans know how to play ball. Miami needs to heat up the pressure
Don't be too sad. He fails to mention that Kirby Smart's "inspirational texts" also contain the control # for that week's Western Union wire transfer to his parents. "Losing money" was only a relative term.
Kid was choosing between a podunk rock and scuzzy hard place anyway.

Some places in Alabama aren't too bad, but Tuscaloosa/Northport and Auburn/Opelika aren't any of those places.
Rashaan Evans and his family, Auburn natives, suffering attacks from Auburn fans

A few elements of the Auburn Tigers sometimes rabid fan-base has turned on not only Rashaan Evans, but on his entire family in a disproportional and disturbing call to action.
Recent posts on “The Bunker”, an extremely popular Auburn Tiger message board, directs the local Auburn faithful to not serve the family in town restaurants and to make Rashaan and his family as uncomfortable as possible before he graduates Auburn High School this summer. There have been much worse messages posted by crazy fans from schools across the country. This is ugly, but tame.
Additionally, business information regarding the family’s Auburn business as well as the Evans’ home address were released on the same message board. Here is the creepy excerpt:
An actual post from “The Bunker” with the header, “Hmm. Evans Corner Market store sold, being cleaned out”:
“Looks like the Corner Market (full address disclosed) is owned by R&C Enterprises LLC. The property was sold at the 2012 Lee County tax sale for back taxes. On June 30, 2013, the property was redeemed by R&C. R&C has not paid its 2013 taxes of (full amount disclosed). Also, looks like they owe various 2013 personal property taxes for their home (full amount disclosed) and for other property located in Lee County (all outside the City of Auburn). Tax info for Alan & Chenavis Evans and R&C Enterprises LLC all online.
“This is the Evans household (primary residence) (full address of where this family lives disclosed), which is not in the Auburn City Limits, it’s in Lochapoka. All the Evans children attend Auburn City Schools illegally by trying to own property in the city limits but yet not reside there. Bottom line is they don’t live in Auburn. They don’t pay taxes in Auburn and appropriately don’t pay taxes on anything. And if you want to dig a little further go look up the amount of liens on this property at the courthouse. Wow!
“Looks like they are in serious debt and Rashaan did what was best for his family.”
Surely Auburn fans feel some betrayal, losing one of their very own to their biggest rival, even though Rashaan never made a commitment to either school until his final decision to join the Tide on National Signing Day. However, by all accounts from coaches for both Alabama and Auburn, Rashaan Evans and his family are the finest human beings trying to make a difficult but conscientious decision for their son.
For the sake of Evans and his family, this is hopefully just a campaign by a few disenfranchised misguided fans, and not representative of the Auburn populace. Unfortunately for Auburn fans as a whole, these negative behaviors by a few can paint them all with a very ugly brush.
It only takes a bad apple or two to spoil the bunch (see Harvey Updike, Auburn fans).

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And people actually complain about our fans.

People complain about our fans because 25k show up to games, but 85k act like Alabama fans.

It'd be one thing if we had fans that were as rabid as Bama and Auburn alums and know, fans that actually donate tons of money to their favorite program, fans that sell out every game, etc. Then, you kind of expect to have a bunch of crazy **** happen when you lose a recruit or lose a game.

Instead, we have a bunch of alums and fans who don't show up to games, don't donate money, but still act as though UM owes them a top-notch program and get ****ed off and take to message boards or twitter or whatever to badmouth UM coaches, admin, players, and/or recruits.
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And people actually complain about our fans.

People complain about our fans because 25k show up to games, but 85k act like Alabama fans.

It'd be one thing if we had fans that were as rabid as Bama and Auburn alums and know, fans that actually donate tons of money to their favorite program, fans that sell out every game, etc. Then, you kind of expect to have a bunch of crazy **** happen when you lose a recruit or lose a game.

Instead, we have a bunch of alums and fans who don't show up to games, don't donate money, but still act as though UM owes them a top-notch program and get ****ed off and take to message boards or twitter or whatever to badmouth UM coaches, admin, players, and/or recruits.
Yes we ***** and moan, but we're tame as ****.

Do you see people digging into Sony's history like that? Refusing to serve Cook?
Let us not forget, it was a Bama fan who poisoned Alburn's toilet paper tree. Miami crazy fans are not in the same ward of the insane house as most SEC fan bases.
guys name who poised tree was Harvey Updyke named his son Bear, and was gonna name is daughter Ally-Bama, crazy inbreds in bama
Every fan base is like this. When Sony announced his decision, everyone told him to blow out his knee. It's just sad and you have to defend your team by defending it against people like that who are idiots.

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