Insiders…….. we all impatiently await on a nugget, constantly asking for updates and sucking at the *** of the two nipples, Cribby and D$ (no pause).
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These nominees, however, also provide some valuable info nuggets and context from within the program and the recruiting world that keeps this place on edge.
The info they provide often leads to showdowns and their info creates mopes or slurpers for the day or for the season. Their info leads to the feelings of jubilation deep down in our plums…..
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or info that makes our ****s to go limp faster than a pool full of cold water.
With that said, the nominees…….
Best Insider not Named
@Cribby or
@dycane (FSU Insider)

Vote 3 on this one.
Disclaimer: We recognize there are other posters that info that don’t share as often. Also, we regret that we ran out of room for
