2018 Miami verbal is “90%” solid to the ‘Canes

Doesn't matter what percentage he says.

He's committed for now.

It's going to be a battle for this guy regardless.
HES A BEAST. Aggresie is right...and he has that nice frame you want..He might be a center prospect for us.

Billy Rolle gonna get him here.

I always thought Rolle was pro-Cane. But weird year there. We're going to really need to rebuild relationships with the Ridge.

The one guy we wanted more than anyone, Davis, would rather be a Gator. Gibson would rather trip to Oregon than shut his recruiting down, now who knows what happens to him. Gamble and Collier would have come but we didn't give them the hard offer. Old staff offered Scott and Thompson and new staff didn't want them.

Pope, Wiggins and Scaife are pure beasts. Between Cooney and Rolle, I hope we can lock them down
I dont understand why kids always do this. There are no percentages in a commitment, your either commited or you arent.

Welcome, I see you're new to recruiting.

Nope. Hence the "always" in my post

Kids (and adults) don't understand the meanings of plenty of words these days. How many times have you heard (or said) "most unique"? Doesn't make any **** sense but people say it all the time.

"10 most unique houses in the world!"