In some aspects, you're not necessarily wrong OP.
10-2 is about what the majority of the board predicted we would end up as & that's exactly what happened.
Mario is always due for at the very least 2 boneheaded losses every season. Even at his peak in Oregon, it was always the expectation that he would drop a couple games.
I think this is the best we're going to get out of a Mario Coached team, which for all intents & purposes is not that bad in comparison to previous regimes.
I doubt he'll ever really be able to build us up to an annual playoff contender & the likelihood of ever winning the ACC continuously escapes us.
Our best bet, is to hope that when regression to mean happens that it doesn't swing so far that get hit back into the doldrums of mediocrity.
On the bright side, this season has pretty much shown Mario that the clear pathway to the maximized amount of success he can have is by having an Elite Offense. If he sticks with this philosophy it will pay dividends.