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  1. CaneTheGaytors

    (An Offensively Mediocre) Offensive Line

    Facts! Dude needs to look at a replay on video and not a pic. Bell’s head was bent way back from the DE giving him the business, and he retaliated by the end of the play. But dude rather simp for the corrupt zebras, instead of watching a video replay of the play in question.
  2. CaneTheGaytors

    (An Offensively Mediocre) Offensive Line

    No, you didn’t post facts. You posted a picture of the end of the play. Go look at a replay of the game and you’ll clearly see on the replay of the same play that the Ball State DE starts off the play by getting his hands underneath Bell’s facemask and clearly pushes his head way back. Then Bell...
  3. CaneTheGaytors

    (An Offensively Mediocre) Offensive Line

    I’m NOT being a “homer.” If you would have seen the replay during the game, that DE first pushed Bell’s neck all the way back by having his hand in his face, at the very end of the play, Bell retaliated. Then the DE started complaining like a byotch to the ref, and he threw a flag. At least be...
  4. CaneTheGaytors

    (An Offensively Mediocre) Offensive Line

    No, he wasn’t. He was called for illegal hands to the face, which was also a bad call. He had his hands nowhere close to the DE’s face.