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  1. B

    A note on the Portal...

    Go *&$% off you &*CK*#% cuck. Is it necessary to attack everyone who has a difference of opinion or a different way of seeing things than you? It gets old with you. First it's you with Pitcher in the Rye, now it's anyone else. If you don't think that a grassroots fan driven NIL collective...
  2. B

    A note on the Portal...

    It's ironic that you tell him his opinions are wrong but you claim your's and other valued opinions to be fact on the issue of NIL, which unlike coaching salaries aren't public record...yet. Canesfreak is a player in NIL and he keeps the figures of his deals with UM players close to the vest...
  3. B

    A note on the Portal...

    Wow...that's what they are doing in that office building/warehouse off of Yamato?
  4. B

    A note on the Portal...

    I'm not disagreeing with Canesfreak, all I'm saying is a losing season and being moved to the OF probably didn't help a really tough situation that he was going through. That's it
  5. B

    A note on the Portal...

    Yeah but even so, a year filled with losing and a move to the outfield obviously didn't help matters with keeping Cyr. Either way we had 3 guys at the end of this past season who will be playing college baseball next season who will likely be top 2 or 3 round picks and only 1 of them will be...
  6. B

    A note on the Portal...

    Seems to be a problem in house if 2 of your 5-6 only impactful returning players are leaving.
  7. B

    A note on the Portal...

    So we had only 16 less losses this year than you witnessed in 4 years while you were in school?
  8. B

    A note on the Portal...

    I think the key there is the development. The guy brought ND to new heights. It's not like that program was turning out MLB players year in year out. 2 starters from his teams in 2022 and 23 left and went to UCF this year and it's not like those kids set the world on fire by moving down to...