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  1. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Because he has to decide if he wants to go into the draft.
  2. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    This is why some of us were asking Dan about the facilities. The most reasonable space for this would be along the third-base side, as the first-base side already has some permanent buildings. Build it, and then put seating on top.
  3. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    But, essentially, that would AT LEAST be twice as much NIL for every single player, just to equalize. Not sure that anyone has the budget for that. I hope we go to headcount scholarships soon and/or get our endowment to the point where merit/need scholarships are much more prevalent.
  4. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Vanderbilt has the 16th-largest endowment fund at nearly $10 billion, Miami is at #60 with an endowment of nearly $1.4 billion. Also, Vanderbilt's student enrollment is about 50% smaller than Miami's. Regardless of what the "but we've had top 10 recruiting classes" dopes want to tell...
  5. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    He said "Big 3", not UM. 2025 4-star Kendarius Reddick lists offers from UF (recruited by DC Austin Armstrong) and UM. 2025 4-star Taevion Swint lists offers from UF, UM, and F$U. 2025 4-star Tony Williams lists an offer from F$U. 2024 4-star Kylan Fox lists offers from UF, UM, and F$U. 2024...
  6. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    So that whole rant...was just stating the obvious? I didn't support the hiring of JD. But he's there for now. So can we possibly just separate issues into the "JD's Fault" and "Not JD's Fault" buckets? It's not JD's fault that prior UM coaches didn't support a more robust use of NIL and/or...
  7. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Fair points. But Cyr isn't leaving UM because he needs to tweak his hitting.
  8. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    This is true. I tried to tell people about Blake James years ago, when people were acting like "but but but he built the IPF" was some great character trait. The approach Blake ALWAYS took was to field a suggestion for a capital or program improvement, and immediately ask some alum to fund it...
  9. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    I agree with you, for the most part. Orlando, and Windermere, are big baseball areas. My HS (Lake Brantley) has produced quite a few MLB players, including Jason Varitek and the Weeks brothers. Thus, it's overly simplistic for anyone to just say "SEC will pay more NIL" or "high attendance...
  10. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Lighten up, Francis. You chose to intervene on someone's behalf, and I just told you that your response was dopey. Unlike you, I'm not out here name-calling, I'm just critiquing posts. You like to argue the points that support your argument, and ignore the rest. At all of those other...
  11. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    What a dopey response. I didn't tell him his opinions were wrong. I told him that his facts are wrong. Look at you...on one hand, you want to tell me that I don't know anything about NIL numbers because they aren't "public record...yet". Then you want to derive conclusions by generalizing...
  12. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Yeah, I walked around the UCF facilities when we played them over 2 years ago, and I thought "what is all this stuff, and why do we not have it?". And my first "oh ****" moment with Radakovich happened about a year-and-a-half ago at a luncheon when he was asked about adding seating capacity to...
  13. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Look, you are entitled to your opinions, but you're just wrong about this. You are trying to cite "stadiums" to rebut my comments on NIL. How bizarre. Yes, SEC programs, which are predominantly located at flagship land-grant state universities, have had the ability to spend a few dollars ON...
  14. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Because there is not a ton of money in ANY Baseball NIL program, I would be willing to hazard a guess that he ends up at UCF. State tuition, plus some local Orlando NIL opportunities (Cyr went to Windermere, where all the current and retired athletes live) are going to be better than almost...
  15. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Walker? That was Warren Mother****ing Morris, the only LSU player who had not hit a home run in 1996.
  16. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    I don't think that was really the primary intention, I just think @Canesfreak was having a conversation with the agent. More along the lines of "it's not A, it's B." Not really a well-thought out PR campaign or anything.
  17. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    I would hope the answer to that is "yes".
  18. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Not disagreeing with your later conclusion, I'm just not sure why some posters keep insisting certain things about Cyr when you've got @Canesfreak telling you otherwise. Believe me, @Canesfreak would actually tell you if something bigger were going on, but it's just not the case.
  19. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    As @Canesfreak noted above, Cyr has some personal reasons for leaving, unrelated to "JD" or "bad year". Torres was the guy I really wanted to stay at UM.
  20. TheOriginalCane

    A note on the Portal...

    Well, he was actually in (law) school for 3 years. Here were my 10 years (undergrad, MBA, law). We only had 2 mid years out of 10 when we were not flirting with 50 wins. Independent 35-24-1 52-14-1 49-18 52-13 Big East 46-17 55-10 36-22 49-14 48-17 50-14 Those last 3 years were when...