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  1. lindend

    DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

    This is a must listen. He's saying that JT used his ties (via Mason) to negative recruit Barrow (i.e. let him know all the dirt behind the scenes with Kelly's program). IDK if there's any truth to this, but if true, it is indeed interesting. He said they lost Williams due to money but that...
  2. lindend

    DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

    This is why I said they need to do a wellness check on the dude. We've had more than a decade of substandard DT play, L$U fans aren't used to this.
  3. lindend

    DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

    I did a double take when he mentioned the name.
  4. lindend

    DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

    How dire is the DT situation at L$U? One of the names Hunt mentioned they should consider was Thomas Gore. He did indicate that he wasn't at the top of the board, but they've got to consider him.
  5. lindend

    DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

    The DT situation is DIRE! Someone better do a wellness check on Mr. Hunt. He says he's not used to being worried about DTs. They've had issues at other positions in the past, but never DT. I'm guessing this means we're not going to be able to slip Jahkeem "Thanos" Stewart out of LA without...
  6. lindend

    DT Simeon Barrow, Jr. commits to Miami

    I'm sure anyone who knew of or was related to Declan Sullivan agrees with this message.