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  1. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Norway (Fredrikstad) / Sweden (Gothenburg)

    Is this where you tell us you got mjolnir tattooed on your crank?
  2. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Norway (Fredrikstad) / Sweden (Gothenburg)

    No soy sueca, pero sí me encanta el sabor, meng.
  3. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Norway (Fredrikstad) / Sweden (Gothenburg)

    Go see Volvo factory and if you can swing to Stockholm, the Vasa is worth 1/2 your day at least. Winter Olympic Stadium is cool in Oslo as is the Storting (Norway's Parliament) where they give out the Nobel Peace Prize (the rest are given in Stockholm) Pizza + beer for 4 = $130 so brace...
  4. Empirical Cane

    Off-Topic Norway (Fredrikstad) / Sweden (Gothenburg)

    An ABSOLUTE must see. Have been many times. A very non descript building actually, but to see the piece in person is pretty cool. It's been my screensaver since forever.