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  1. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    Agreed! The success of this program will not rise and fall with one talented player. Especially a non-QB.
  2. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    I don't recall any that have panned out when they are flaky. Hopefully, it was an aberration and he gets his head straight and recommits here where he was already "1000% Committed"
  3. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    Yeah, but come on... right or wrong, that's just the culture of major college football these days. No matter where the kid goes, neither he nor his parents will be able to function properly if they don't grow a thick skin. It's just the nature of the beast. No sense in making a business decision...
  4. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    Agree with the first part, but not so much on the second part. Miami will continue to be a sleeping giant which will re-awaken once we get the right leadership. We might have that right leadership in Mario, but he's committed a ton of unforced errors. It's not too late to turn this around, but...
  5. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    That is true, however, the slow death spiral will start soon (assuming it hasn't already) if he doesn't log in some wins and turn around some of these struggles. There's no realistic scenario where they let him go after this season no matter how badly it goes, but if he doesn't kill it next...
  6. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    Copy that. I'd seen that reference before, but it is now permanently out of my vocabulary and I apologize if I offended.
  7. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    And, at least at this point, they wouldn't be if: A. He hadn't given away a game. B. He'd beaten UNC If he doesn't win today.... I dunno. I'm rooting for him to turn this around, but if he doesn't beat Clemson today (which I'm predicting he will) he's digging himself a deeper hole that becomes...
  8. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    Not to pile on, but this is another ripple effect (at least in part) from giving away the GT game. You think they're not using that and the subsequent overall record as to why he's thinking of flipping? Mario, Mario, Mario... (shaking head ruefully)
  9. filmcane

    2024 Miami Hurricanes Land Five-Star Recruit Armondo Blount...Again

    Could you unpack that? Why is he not going to work for Mario?