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  1. Memnon

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    Who is this big Gilbert Brown looking mf'er???
  2. Memnon

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    Considering how we’ve faired in pursuit of other 5-star DT’s I would imagine the leverage has shifted.
  3. Memnon

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    Really seems like we’re missing a big opportunity not going after TA Cunningham... That kid did not transfer to Miami Central for sh*ts & giggles. We got the money, so what’s the hold up?
  4. Memnon

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    He was burned alive & sacrificed by a Cult...
  5. Memnon

    2024 DT Board (2024 Edition) [Mario: This Time Its Personal]

    Be careful, they might put you in Purgatory for saying that...