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  1. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    Yes. Mississippi law says no state employee can have more than a 4 year contract. The reason is to prevent Texas A&M type situations where they have to pay a 90 million buyout. Functionally they try to get around it in college sports by renewing the 4 year contract every year. Still it's never...
  2. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    TAMU has more money than anyone. Sounds insane they could pay Jimbo his buyout and then hire Meyer, but they could probably afford it.
  3. Handsome Squidbum

    Rumor Lane Kiffin to Auburn

    I think Ole Miss would be a great job. Moderate fan expectations, good brand name, a good donor base. Their biggest problem with keeping any HC doesn't really have to do with football - their state law says a state employee cannot have a contract longer than 4 years. So even if Auburn isn't...