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  1. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Depends - felony? Which in turn prohibits you from ever owning another firearm.
  2. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Absolutely. Law abiding citizens while armed avoid these areas. For others - when the sign says, "No Guns," it should read - "Free Fire Zone."
  3. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Texas is so close to being a Blue State - you can't see daylight between the separation. The large cities are turning to regular S***holes - becoming lawless and trashy. Never seen such debris roadside as I did this past Fall.
  4. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Let me explain how some of these "events" are engineered. Information gathering and classifying: There's a good number of people that seek folks who are troubled, fanatical about certain interests, haters who are and have been in trouble - just folks that lie out on the ends of a Bell's Curve...
  5. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    In my past - I'll admit I was a problem. Because I was the best dammmed Scout/Point in the country - as the numbers verified that. Our numbers were way higher than any other unit. Way higher. I don't get involved in hysterics, nor have I seen hysterics - a word I've probably never used - I...
  6. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Saw that illegals crossing the border have been caught bringing in improvised explosive devices - gee - what for? Question: Ever see the video of the Beirut Ammonium Nitrate explosion? Next question: Anybody ever find out where the missing 30,000 pounds of US Ammonium Nitrate disappeared to...
  7. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    You use "our neighbors to the north? The "neighbors to the north" whose government locked and emptied the bank accounts of its citizens who protested the mandatory clot shots? If you exclude the kills from five US cities - the gun violence in the US drops to the bottom of that list - meaning...
  8. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    I must have ****ed you off. If you're lazy, you're just lazy - not my fault. If you're also uninformed - that's your fault as well. I want nothing to do with lazy or stupid. Those are personal characteristics that I hold in contempt during my waking hours. I haven't seen a minute of Feaux...
  9. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    There's been a drastic change in the border crossing folks country of origin, and a good number of those on international terror lists are being caught - which doesn't count those thousands and thousands who aren't. More from African nations, a good number from Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran...
  10. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    If you haven't already noticed - telling you something won't matter.
  11. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    We are so screwed up. Did away with state mental institutions - where I realize there were problems - but at least it was A solution, but without those - there's nothing left for a lot of folks who are truly batsh*tt nuts. Aways with the guns - the ONLY thing that's going to enable this...
  12. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Confusing - two shooters mentioned twice. Shooter is still at large. Shooter has led a normal life until now. Shooter is a firearms expert. Shooter is former military. No perimeter was set up. Helicopter called off early. "Special Forces" truck parked in wooded car path behind school. "Special...
  13. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Just start public executions again. And once someone is found guilty of murder - quick - before attorneys file an appeal - trot their *** out to the yard of the courthouse - and hang that SOB in front of everyone. Public executions are an effective means of restraint for wannabe murderers. I...
  14. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Well, he sure as **ll isn't working there now!
  15. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Not sure which side of the fence you're for. Can you expand a bit?
  16. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    You hit on it. There's no reason on Earth to NOT introduce children in schools safe firearm practices. Teach them the basics when young, and they'll never forget them. The worst thing in the world is for some parent to show a kid a firearm, and tell them to never, EVER touch it - it's...
  17. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Same questions keep popping up after a multi-shooting event occurs. "How can we solve these mass shootings?" Answer: "Everyone carries." "How come this guy has 132 bullet holes in him?" "Restraint. There were 133 of us when he fired his first round. Everyone restrained themselves."
  18. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    I think she'll soak it up like a sponge! :xvfmlqq:
  19. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    TrumpyCane just keeping his freak on. I like the cut of his jib/the way he thinks/sense of responsibility toward his daughter. I just think he'll not have to worry about it so much, as in the next few years - this insanity in schools and society will be terminated. There's a pendulum effect...
  20. UMFarArcher

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Just a reminder guys - it's Valentine's Day. Get your Fauci's Series One Valentine's Day Card for the little lady in your life - "You Stop My Heart," with multiple follow-on phrases to show how much she means to you - come to include a place to tell her where your will is.