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  1. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    I saw clips online, but have not watched the full movie.
  2. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    ‘Black comedy’ does not imply casting black actors, if that’s what you meant to imply in your first sentence. I’m thinking a dark comedy, making light of subject matter that is generally considered taboo, particularly subjects that are normally considered serious or painful to discuss. Yes, I...
  3. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    I’d have two characters lose their ****. One is a traffic cop, who starts ******* up ******* arrogant drivers, and the other like the original Michael Douglas character, perhaps a tech guy at a social media company. I mention the traffic cop character because of pet peeves I have with LA...
  4. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    A classic that seriously needs an update or remake!
  5. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

  6. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Many doctors aren’t trained in nutrition, at least not deep study. Doctors treat symptoms or fix injuries. Repeat customers pay more. And, to be fair, we do need to treat symptoms and cure diseases. But working towards prevention with healthy nutrition and exercise would sure go a long way...
  7. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Yes, and economic barriers to healthy eating. The lesser one’s financial means the less access one may have to better food choices. This is not a blanket excuse, of course. There’s a reason poor neighborhoods and communities have so many fast food dealers and liquor stores.
  8. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    I believe processed sugar is the single worst nutritional problem we face. Reducing, let alone eliminating (not easy - **** is in almost everything), can have a dramatic effect improving anyone’s physical and mental health profile.
  9. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Get rid of processed sugar.
  10. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Want to take a huge swipe at the public health crisis? You can’t. Anyone with a brain understands eating healthy, getting some daily modest exercise, not smoking, and not drinking to excess would dramatically reduce chronic levels of coronary, pulmonary, and neurological disease, obesity, and...
  11. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    FWIW…a solid discussion…
  12. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    Agree with your statement (and the remainder I removed for brevity). But you'd be surprised (or maybe not) at the number of pro-2A enthusiasts who believe fully enforced gun free zones as you described are unconstitutional, as are any restrictions on nearly any weapon, required registration...
  13. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    None of this is black or white, right or wrong. There are many arguments for legalizing drugs. One legitimate argument is the 'War on Drugs' has been a multi-trillion dollar failure. The prize accomplishment was creating multi-trillion dollar criminal empires, militarized domestic law...
  14. TemplarCane

    Off-Topic Mass killings

    We pay a price for the freedoms we try to enjoy. Many of these ideas codified 235 years or so ago. I don't know if we've kept up well, but here we are.