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  1. Pentagon Cane

    Manny is being defended

    How'd it work out for George Custer at Last Stand Hill? I've been on that battlefield. I would have shot the son of a ***** myself.
  2. Pentagon Cane

    Manny is being defended

    Circling the wheels.
  3. Pentagon Cane

    Manny is being defended

    Good lord that is brutal! Our very own with a roundhouse to the head and down goes Cooney.
  4. Pentagon Cane

    Manny is being defended

    90 days out tops.
  5. Pentagon Cane

    Manny is being defended

    Love it, but Cooney plays the Baghdad Bob role. Diaz plays Saddam. After Mack Brown is finished with him, Diaz will look like....
  6. Pentagon Cane

    Manny is being defended

    Our version of Baghdad Bob? I see you Cooney.