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  1. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    At least you’ll get some good drugs to help with the pain..
  2. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    If Saban was gonna retire he sure as fck ain’t now.He gonna stay around to watch this dismantling of Miami football..
  3. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    I think my 7 yr old granddaughter did
  4. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Actually I’d say it was a great display of ineptitude..maybe even historic
  5. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Best thing we can hope for is COVID takes out out of the bowl game cause I got a feeling another one of these could possibly be on the horizon if we play anyone in the top 20._
  6. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Well went and enjoyed a movie and came back to this bloodletting....... if this doesn’t show Manny that not only doesn’t his defense work but the people running it don’t work then he needs to go before they do.. I sincerely hope that members of the BOT are embarrassed enough in this shellacking...
  7. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Can’t watch this and until something changes *****ing about it won’t matter......
  8. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    What a fCking joke...I’m done..
  9. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    More like Cheeta..
  10. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Yea they’re hot when they play the Dukes of the world and cold when they play anyone with a pulse..
  11. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Direct TV fighting with CBS and isn’t on here
  12. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Waiting for Nesta to finally make a play and start dancing around like he’s done something good...
  13. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Hope Netflix had something decent on to watch..any suggestions....maybe something bloody to match this sHT show
  14. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Any team with skill position people is a bad matchup
  15. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    We haven’t gained a yard on that play all we’re down 21-3...this games over...2017 all over again . yea we want UFAG...they’d hang 75 on us..fck UNC might hang 75 on us.
  16. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    This is what has happened every time we’ve played a team with a pulse for the past decade except the Notre Dump game...
  17. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

  18. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Ivey says take that ****..
  19. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    Boys we are in biiiiiiiiig trouble.__
  20. Cajuncane

    Canes v. UNC

    We better not go 3 and out..