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  1. 305to954

    Gus Edwards

    Walton was better because he was allowed to be better imo..if Gus got those rep that yearby got, we would’ve seen a different, better Gus while at Miami. We spent a season watching Walton run in the backs of oline as a Freshman. Two years watching Joe get walked down by LBs and DBs. Then going...
  2. 305to954

    Gus Edwards

    Because y’all was too in love with a 5’7 4.8 forty local 5star (really 4 star) legend..I always thought Gus had the goods to be a more than 3rd n short runner..kid was 6’1 230 and ran a legit 4.5..his HS tape was legit..
  3. 305to954

    Gus Edwards

    Bro we all know why Gus ain’t play..the opposite situation of why burns and cam held off Lingard..joe was a local legend, high recruit and coleys guy. Gus was a 3 star back from NJ..imagine the uproar from fans if he had played over yearby like he should of
  4. 305to954

    Gus Edwards

    Because the local pressure to play a 5’7 200 pound local legend..imagine a 5 star back from Dade not getting burn at Miami over a 3 star NJ product...all y’all Miami fans ****ttt of Gus while he was at funny