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  1. Dwinstitles

    UM’s offense has entered the 21st century

    Fans think having one or two make a difference when Buffalo had Mack go top 3 and Duke had a franchise QB go top ten. It's about quantity and quality.
  2. Dwinstitles

    UM’s offense has entered the 21st century

    Facts They used to use the NFL excuse. Now with NFL coaching those guys we send to the league now are afterthoughts
  3. Dwinstitles

    UM’s offense has entered the 21st century

    I mean we should beat those teams no excuse. But it's a star TE that's it. I mean Duke just had a star QB go top ten and they suck. One player doesn't mean anything especially if u don't have the maulers. If u don't have an OL how can players stand.out.on offense?
  4. Dwinstitles

    UM’s offense has entered the 21st century

    Miami fans Crowning hires and off seasons before games get played