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  1. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    Appreciate the response. I’m quantifiably certain they will take no hit, unless it’s some out of country Indian generic company. Let’s be honest about opioids, for most people taking opioids, marijuana is not a substitute. You and I both know that opioids are so overused, and the effect they...
  2. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    We’ll discuss this point by point. Xanax is generic, cost pennies, only generates pennies profit for whatever Indian or out of country generic company manufactures it. LOL, Xanax is not big Pharma. Of course marijuana won’t replace any chemotherapy drugs. But if you’re talking about...
  3. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    You don’t have to qualify it, I have no problem with somebody disagreeing with me. You always keep it civil so I’m cool with that. But I don’t agree though. I know the business inside and out. Big pharma is not worried about legalizing marijuana. Nobody is making the kind of margins that they...
  4. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    Making marijuana legal will not stop cops from stopping you if they smell it. There will be laws passed, if not on the books already, to make it illegal to drive while high. All that needs to be determined are what levels are considered “over the limit“. Trust me on this, there’s no way to...
  5. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    Oils are probably safer, but any substance should go through stringent trials to understand the nature of what is being put into the body. I’m not arguing against any of it, but let’s be honest, most marijuana is still being inhaled the old-fashioned way. And people saying that that it’s...
  6. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    Incorrect. All those chemicals I stated are in any marijuana smoke..just like cigarettes, which are also legal. Don’t be foolish enough to think that any substance you ignite and inhale into your lungs at 1,600F is somehow safe. It isn’t.
  7. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    Not everybody smokes. Deeply inhaling superheated chemicals like hydrogen cyanide, ammonia, numerous carcinogenic hydrocarbons and whatever random chemicals and pesticides where on the plant is not the healthiest thing to do. This toxic chemical soup is deeply inhaled and expands in lung...
  8. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    More trouble for Georgia....

    Waiting for another quote from Mr. Oblivious, Kurby, about how there’s just no leadership on the team. You know, Kurbs, while you’re pointing that one finger at your players remember there’s four fingers pointing back at you