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  1. Canezum5

    Scrimmage news

    Yeah, he had a grimace on the entire game. Straight scowl. Fedora has obviously questionable integrity. Richt prob hates the way he coaches and schemes. Fedora is the kind of guy who promotes taunting and cheap shots. That game had plenty of it. Richt was ready to Rock off on Fedoras...
  2. Canezum5

    Scrimmage news

    Not some bro. He absolutely hates having Rosier as his QB. It shows in every single game. Richts face tells all. It usually shows up whenever we have to pass on 3rd down. lolol
  3. Canezum5

    Scrimmage news

    Exactly. Spot tf on. Couldn't have said it better. Richt gotta roll with the dynamic guy. IF were going to have a 1 read offense with a limited QB id rather it be a QB that can hit a WR in stride on a simple bubble screen.