UM commit Harvey talks Paradise Camp and commit status

Stefan Adams
3 min read
Last month, 2019 Vero Beach (FL) 3-star DE Jahfari Harvey committed to the Miami Hurricanes while on campus for UM’s “Miami Nights” event.

“Miami just has something that I want to be a part of,” Harvey said. “The coaching staff treated my family and I like we were already a part of the Hurricane family.”

For his announcement, Harvey gave people following his recruitment a unique view into his thought-process: he wrote his own commitment article for, explaining what it meant to him to be able to play on the next level and what led to his UM pledge.

“I try to be different in everything I do and I couldn’t be happier with committing to the University of Miami,” Harvey said on his commitment article. “I didn’t want to do anything too extra, I just thought telling a little bit of my journey would be the best way. Everyone liked it, it was something new.”

This weekend, Harvey will make his first return trip to campus since his commitment and will compete at Paradise Camp with some of the best. As a DE, he’ll mainly be working with future position coach Jess Simpson and plans to soak up some of Simpson’s knowledge on the field at Paradise.

“I’m looking to learn as much as I can and taking it and using it to better myself as a defensive end,” Harvey said.

For some recruits, a big draw to Paradise Camp is the swarms of Miami Hurricanes' greats that come to the event to coach, offer words of wisdom, or just hangout with the players. While the list of coaches has yet to be announced, Harvey does have two legends in mind that he’d like to see.

“Ed Reed and Ray Lewis are two players I really want to meet,” Harvey said. “I always admired Ed Reed’s drive and heart and Ray Lewis’s determination and wisdom for the game.”

As such a recent commitment, Harvey hasn’t had any real time to bond with his future teammates in Surge19 and he plans to use Paradise to get to know his 2019 classmates better.

“Yeah I got to get to know my future teammates,” Harvey said. “I haven’t really got to know anyone yet, but I’m sure I will this weekend.”

While Harvey has nobody currently in mind that he’s trying to add to the class and enhance Surge19 this weekend, he does have expectations for his freshman season on campus at Miami.

“To be the best player I can be and help Miami win a championship.”


Comments (23)

Love this kid's potential. Coaches can use him in lots of schemes. People are underestimating our class. Need a few more DL to make it complete though.
I’ve never complained about Harvey, he’s clearly underrated. You can look back and see me praising him

What about Crowley, Harvey & Brooks? You get what I'm saying now, right? You've said ignorant things about this class but now that you're asked about specific players you sound stupid. Right?
What about Crowley, Harvey & Brooks? You get what I'm saying now, right? You've said ignorant things about this class but now that you're asked about specific players you sound stupid. Right?
Talk what you know , I’ve said multiple times in the past including those you listed should be 4 stars. You can literally go look it up
Talk what you know , I’ve said multiple times in the past including those you listed should be 4 stars. You can literally go look it up

His point is that if those listed were indeed 4 stars you and many on the board probably wouldn’t be so antsy
I didnt realize how athletic this guy is. Possibly a candidate for the "striker" position if he doesnt add enough weight to be a hand in the dirt lineman.
this dude legit can probably play backer for us...Hes really athletic. Saw clips of him this camp season covering guys in one on one 30-40 yds down the field. He's a scheme guy you can use all over...I liked how we used Thurston Armbrister his sr year like that
Talk what you know , I’ve said multiple times in the past including those you listed should be 4 stars. You can literally go look it up

Yes, so if they are 4 stars wouldn't that change the perception of the class? If Harvey, Crowley & Brooks were the 4 stars we all believe they should be wouldn't you be singing a different tune?
Yes, so if they are 4 stars wouldn't that change the perception of the class? If Harvey, Crowley & Brooks were the 4 stars we all believe they should be wouldn't you be singing a different tune?

MIAMI Fans would definitely be singing a different tune, IF (Harvey, Brooks and Crowley) were 4 stars!! MIAMI have a lot of star whores as fans, they only see stars for recruiting.. As soon as a FL recruit get 4 star status, these fans expect the staff to smother them and get a commit!!

I will stand by my words, "this class is a really good class thus far, RECRUITING RANKINGS is hurting the overall swag of this class"..
A lot of these posters really don't know what goes into piecing together a recruiting class besides position needs and rankings. I go off "How many reaches and/or flyers did we take this class compared to the total amount of signings?"...Last year we took TWO. Think about that. TWO. (NBethel and JMiller) Out of a class of 20+.

This class, and we won't be able to fully know until after the HS season, but if I had to unbiasly look as of now..I would say we have about 3 maybe 4 reaches/flyers. (DGood, LHodges, JMunoz and maybe Daxon) But I think Munoz and Daxon will be off this list by seasons end.
A lot of these posters really don't know what goes into piecing together a recruiting class besides position needs and rankings. I go off "How many reaches and/or flyers did we take this class compared to the total amount of signings?"...Last year we took TWO. Think about that. TWO. (NBethel and JMiller) Out of a class of 20+.

This class, and we won't be able to fully know until after the HS season, but if I had to unbiasly look as of now..I would say we have about 3 maybe 4 reaches/flyers. (DGood, LHodges, JMunoz and maybe Daxon) But I think Munoz and Daxon will be off this list by seasons end.

That's probably fair. I like Daxon, though he may need some time to contribute (not unusual at DT). And I'd honestly take Hodges off the "reach" list. I know size is probably the issue, but he looks like a really solid H-Back to me. With the ball in his hands, he shows great vision and balance.

Right now, Good and Munoz are the two I have some questions about, though I expect Munoz to show out this year coming back from injury and make the staff look really smart.
Irvin’s has a VIP note on Harvey with “big news” for Miami. Anybody got the details?