The Work - December 7th visits

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
4 min read
Before I get into each prospect specifically, Miami felt good about the outcome of this weekend. There are some fans who might be disappointed about the fact that there is no commit to show for the last three days, but besides Dixon previously planning to announce tonight, there was not expected to be any commitments. Results are not always immediate when it comes to recruiting.

Dalvin Cook
The lead-up to Cook’s official visit was highly anticipated and I’m told that he was “all smiles” this weekend. The past couple of years, there have been some top flight recruits who have visited Miami out of a courtesy to the staff, but that is not the case with Cook because he is sincerely considering the Canes. After this last week where both Coley and Golden gave in-homes to him and he visited, Miami feels like they have given him a lot to think about and this will be a tough decision for him. As his mother told me last week, Miami getting the last shot at him does give them an advantage. Other than that, his camp is staying quiet. He will announce next weekend so I expect to hear more throughout the week.

Johnnie Dixon
This is your classic case of nobody really knowing where a kid is going until he announces himself. There have been people saying Alabama, Miami, and Ohio State with him the last couple weeks and him pushing his decision back adds another layer into the scenario. Miami felt good leading up to this visit, but him pushing back would lead you to believe that his pick was not going to be Miami. Another source told me that Dixon not announcing tonight was a very good sign for the Canes. There has also been more talk about Ohio State than Alabama recently. Like with Cook, we will continue to hear more throughout this week. I don’t think Dixon will be doing much talking though, because his team plays in the state final this weekend.

Travis Rudolph
Rudolph’s visit went unreported until this morning, which is interesting for a local, high profile prospect. Miami has kept tabs on him for months and it seems like the coaches are going to make one final push to see how interested he is. Not only does his father want him at Miami, but his mother wants him here as well. James Coley in-homed with him after the visit. It would be a tough pull, but this weekend basically kept Miami in the conversation for him.

**I posted earlier this week that one of Ermon Lane’s coaches told me he believed Lane would decommit from Florida in January and that whoever landed Dalvin Cook would also have a great shot at Lane. Another person told me the same thing again today and Miami is aware that the two would love to play with each other. Lane is not an early enrollee, so this will give him time for Miami coaches to continue to recruit him over the next two months.

**Keep an eye on Brandon Powell. Although he’s solid right now, I don’t know how he would react if Cook committed. Powell has told me in the past that he is open to playing corner at Miami (which is probably his big money position), but there is also some talk that he prefers playing on the offensive side of the ball. He has visited both West Virginia and Tennessee recently.

**Some quick things from open practice today….

-Allen Hurns was walking around with Dixon and Rudolph

-Anthony Moten was not on an official visit, but still came out to practice today

-Here is a terrible picture of Golden talking with Trevor Darling and Dalvin Cook:


Comments (105)

can you verify the rumor that cory johnson is done with us?
can you verify the rumor that cory johnson is done with us?

I don't have his number so I can't verify with him, but I never felt like that was happening. Better chance with Pelon
Lulz at Dixon not announcing being a good sign. Every ******* analyst had him to Miami, and now we are supposed to be happy a good visit delayed an announcement for another team.

The staff needs to lock him the **** down already.
Thanks for the update! I want Cook and Lane so bad!!
FWIW, Scout has an interview with Powell that doesnt sound very good. Seems he's "got a lot to think about now" after his Tenn visit, since they are now recruiting him at RB which is what he wants to play. He said "Im committed to Miami for NOW, but Ive got a lot to think about".

IMO, if we land Cook, Powell is gone. Coaches need to make sure we dont lose him unless we absolutely get Cook.
Lulz at Dixon not announcing being a good sign. Every ****ing analyst had him to Miami, and now we are supposed to be happy a good visit delayed an announcement for another team.

The staff needs to lock him the **** down already.

Recruiting analysts dont know jack sH8t. First thing you need to learn about recruiting. There is no such thing as a "lock" when a kid is uncommitted. ****, they arent "locks" even if they are committed, if they are meeting with other coaches, and visiting other schools.
Maybe Cook told Dixon he is announcing Miami next weekend and they want to do it the same day? Wishful thinking but who knows why Dixon moved it back another week. This class can either take off with Dixon and Cook or we can limp to the finish with what we got. Next weekend will be huge!!!!!
Pelon is a De or DT? Is there a a surprise juco on horizon?

Would we really take Dixon, Rudolph, and Lane (best case) along with brady and langham?
I know Lane has repetitively said that he wants to play with Cook. However, earlier in the recruiting process didn't lane and brady say that they wanted to play with each other? If true does Brady help us at all with lane?
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"In the beginning it was to just experience traveling and all of that but now it's all coming down to the end and everybody is showing you how much they want you and how much they need you. They hit you up on Twitter and Facebook and they call my dad all the time," Powell said. "That shows you that a school really wants you. That's why I wanted to get to Tennessee because even though I decommitted they have still been contacting my dad so that shows they want me a lot so I had to come up and visit."

"I was actually cool with coach Gillespie when he was at West Virginia because he was recruiting me over there so now seeing him here it's the same thing with just some different players," Powell explained. "He was showing me how they would use me in the Tennessee offense."

"That's basically what they were saying the whole time, that they have one running back coming back plus Jalen Hurd, who's coming in," Powell offered. "He was just saying they need a game-changer on offense so that's why they're still recruiting me."

"Right now, I'm committed to Miami and I'm just trying to get through this next weekend and after this week we'll know." "Just the week is important, with the coaches coming by and they let you know they care about you. That's what's important to me and it shows the school cares about you," Powell said. "They understood that it's coming down to the end, that I have a tough decision to make. I didn't have to tell them much, they already knew what was going on with me," Powell said.
Lulz at Dixon not announcing being a good sign. Every ****ing analyst had him to Miami, and now we are supposed to be happy a good visit delayed an announcement for another team.

The staff needs to lock him the **** down already.

As Pete said.. he delayed it after a good visit.

How is that bad? It would seem he was set to announce for OSU, and now has second thoughts on Miami.

We all thought Dixon was a lock, today we learned he was not. Time to close.