Recap: Takin' a Dukie on Boston College - Canes win 41-32

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
9 min read

What a game. Big plays everywhere, both teams had over 400 yards of offense. Football is back and when the dust settled, UM came out on top. It was the most points Boston College had given up at home since November 27, 2004 (43 points by Syracuse). Conversely, B.C. reached the 30 point barrier for the first time since October 31, 2009. A win is a win.


It looked bad early. The players looked pretty bad too. Everyone was freaking out in the Gamday Thread. *****assness was on display by alot of people, and yours truly was just as guilty.

Dan E. Dangerously said:
Name Dan E. Dangerously's recap for this game

  • What...the...****????
  • Disgrace the legacy

  • U not tough
  • potato


Unacceptable. You'd think I'd never seen a football game before...**** is 4 quarters man. I'll just chalk it up to not being in game shape. I'll get better, I gotz to do it.

In my Gameday Post I wrote:

4 storylines for UM in this game:

1. Is Stephen Morris any good?
2. Is the defense any better?
3. Will the 15 or so freshmen that get on the field perform when needed?
4. Are we really that much stronger from a year ago?

I said if the answer to these questions was yes for most of these, we'd win.

1. Stephen Morris is good. I can't remember him making any egregious mistakes or throws. His arm was on display with laser strikes to the opposite hash all day. His only pic was because Rashawn Scott had the ball bounce off his chest.

2. This defense ******* blows. Pass rush...nonexistent. Same softer than baby **** zone coverage. Some dudes looked completely lost, I think B.C.'s fullback is still running. Can't get off the field on 3rd down. Unreal. The only difference I noticed was we created turnovers, back breaking/game changing turnovers. Can we make that a habit this year? If we can we might win more than we lose.

3. The freshman stepped up. Deon Bush was making big hits on special teams. Malcolm Lewis scored the game sealing TD. And Duke Johnson is who LuCane and EthnicSands have been saying he is, a really special player.

4. As far as strength goes, we ran for over 200 yards and we iced the game with a 4th and goal stand on the 1 inch line. Last year that's a touchdown plain and simple. Don't know what that means. This is still to be determined.


B.C. opened up the game with 36 yard pass to their FB on the very first play. That play would be open all game for all of their backs, didn't matter which one. Miami couldn't get a pass rush and couldn't get off the field on 3rd down. Chase Rettig had time to bang some **** at B.C. before getting rid of the ball.


Can't blame Morris for the sluggish start because Thomkins and Scott had some horrible drops. Before you blinked, Miami was down by two touchdowns. Midway through the quarter each team had two possesions. Boston College had 145 total yards, Miami had 22.



On their next possession Morris started moving the ball with short passes to Hurns and Lewis. Duke Johnson kept the drive alive with a big 4th down run, a facemask made it 1st and goal. Eduardo Clements punched it in 3 plays later to make it 14-7 B.C. We got a ballgame.


On B.C.'s next possession, Rettig tried to make a big first down pass before the end of the quarter. Big mistake because that's when Denzel Perryman stepped up and made what I consider the play of the game, and took an interception back for a pick-6.


Awesome stuff. After the horrible start, we're tied at 14 after 1.


Alex Ami-joke and his female shouldered haircut was in UM's mouth all day. He ended up with 149 yards receiving. In 2 seconds Boston College was in the redzone, but Rettig fumbled the snap on 3rd down and they settled for a field goal. 17-14 B.C.

Next we were treated to a Davon Johnson sighting (his first since he caught a touchdown pass from Robert Marve at Duke in 2008). Speaking of Duke, he wanted to introduce himself to the world, so he decided to run for a 54 yard touchdown. Wise choice.



What a ******* play, Duke broke unlimited tackles displaying both power and speed in the process. Canes up 21-17.

Camel-don wasn't being covered so he decided to catch some more big passes for first downs. Miami's defense made up for not covering Annadon by also not covering the fullback in the flat. Boston College was only able to muster a field goal out of it. 21-20 UM.

It was at this moment that I realized how similar this game was to the Maryland game last year and just prayed we got through the half without turning it over. It was at this time the Dalton Botts steared us from disaster by picking up a botch snap and turning it into a rugby style punt. We went into halftime up by 1.


Before anyone noticed what was going on UM went 3 and out, and Amidon was back in your mouth. No pressure on Rettig whatsoever. Exact same defense as last year. B.C. kicks another field goal to retake the lead 23-21.

Allen Hurns makes a huge catch on 3rd and long to extend the drive. It was pass he probably drops last year. Miami starts marching on the ground but gets stuffed inside the 10 and settles for Wieclaw's first field goal of the season. 24-23 UM.

B.C. quickly went 3 and out. Duke felt it had been a while since his last 50+ yard touchdown run so he felt like he needed to do it again. This moment was too much for CanesInSight's servers I think as we experienced a crash.


This kid is unreal. They flashed his stats up to that point in the game and they were 5 carries for 125 yards. That's 25 yards per carry in your first ever college football game as a freshman against a BCS school. UM up 31-23. On the ensuing kickoff, the B.C. return man got rocked at about the 20. All the guys on special teams started getting hyped. The defense started to feed off of that and quickly forced a 3 and out.


UM can't carry the momentum into the final frame as their possession stalls out, but they are able to down the punt inside the 10 yard line. That's when Luther Robinson decided he would show everyone why he belongs on the defensive side of the ball as he forced a fumble that was promptly pounced on by Chick. It leads to the 'Claw's second field goal 34-23 UM.


B.C. starts moving the ball down the field, but are forced into a 3rd and long. Deon Bush comes in on a blitz and pressure Rettig, who then hits his checkdown in Tahj Kimble. Kimble starts racing up the field, but is walked down by Eddie Johnson who strips him of the football. LaDarius Gunter returns the fumble another 28 yards the other way. The defense, while being a sieve, has now created 3 game changing turnovers.


Morris starts slinging it.


He marches UM down the field and then he hits freshman Malcolm Lewis on a hitch. Lewis makes two or three guys miss and dives into the endzone.



Al Golden was happy that Malcolm got it. 41-23 UM.


Up by an 18 point margin with under 10 minutes to go. The D goes uber soft and Rettig quicly marched his team downfield. Miami hadn't covered the flat all day so Rettig hit Kimble on a pass in the flat. Kimble took it to the endzone and it was now 41-30. The clock seemed like it was stuck, as it slowly passed under 5 minutes.


UM went 3 & out quickly and B.C. was on the move again. On 4th and 5 Vaughn Telemaque commits a bad pass interference penalty, allowing B.C. to get in the red zone. A few plays later, a roughing the passer penalty put them inside the 10. On 4th and goal from inside the 1 yard line, B.C. goes with a QB sneak and the refs say he didn't get in. Replays showed they couldn't conclusively overturn it, so it was a turnover on downs.


Suck it Spaz

Miami knelt three times and then took a safety since Al felt sorry for B.C.

Ball game.


Final score: UM 41 BC 32

Another road game next week. **** needs to get tightened up on defense, but at least we're still undefeated.

Comments (7)

wow just delete my thread now, dan just pwned my atempt at providing information

I got K.O ed

K.O punch.webp
Only bad pass by morris is when the LB pierre louis blitz and was untouched and tried to throw it to a not looking duke johnson and ball was nearly picked
"duke thought it had been a while since he scored a 50 yd touchdown, so he decided to do it again."

I almost peed my pants of happiness when I read that