Recap: Florida State Sucks, Miami Loses 41-14

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
16 min read
Miami's winning streak comes to an end, and Florida State is still racist.


Miami hung around for a half, but it wasn't nearly good enough. At halftime if you didn't think we had a legit shot of pulling this off, you're crazy. We were far from perfect to that point. However, if I told you last week we'd be down 7 at halftime and got the ball to start the 2nd half, you'd take it. We had several opportunities throughout this game that resulted in failed attempts to change the course of events. We had no margin for error going into this game. So every 3rd down conversion FSU made against our defense, and every failed drive by us was too much to overcome. Losing sucks. Losing to your rival sucks even more. The only thing worse than that is losing your best player for the season with a bum ankle. Seriously, the 2nd half couldn't have gone any worse if it were scripted to be that way.



Here is what I said were the main story lines in the game day post.

1. Can Miami's big time players make big time plays?


Duke Johnson had 97 yards rushing on 23 carries in just 3 quarters of play. He obviously would've had a lot more if not for his injury. You could make the argument that Morris had outperformed Winston in the 1st half. His 2 touchdown passes to Hurns were perfectly thrown balls. Then midway through the 3rd quarter, the Jekyll & Hyde part of Stephen that frustrates everyone showed up, and the game went south. They made plays, just not enough. We had no margin for error.

2. Can Miami's OL take it to FSU's front 7?


For the most part Stephen had pretty decent protection and completed several big time throws because of it. The running game was working just about as well as you could hope for. There were times where we gashed them. I said we'd need 150 yards on the ground, as a team, to win. We had 83. Duke getting injured had a lot to do with that, but the game was pretty much over by that time anyway. We were 4-12 on 3rd down, mostly because we were always facing 3rd and long. When playing against a top 5 team, you can't be "mostly good" if you want to win. No margin for error.

3. Can Miami win the turnover battle?


The defense did their best. The two picks by Bush and Jenkins moved us to 21 takeaways on the season in 8 games played. We had 22 last year in 12 games. Both picks swung momentum in our favor and each time it resulted in points for us. It was nice to see Bush make a play, given how much he's had to overcome since his surgery. The pick by Jenkins was huge because FSU was driving to make it 28-7 before halftime, and we went right down and scored to make it 21-14 at the break. They couldn't force Winston into anymore mistakes after that, and Morris started throwing picks of his own which killed us. No margin for error.

4. Can Miami's Defense keep Famous **** at bay?


**** this guy. This near-sighted downy threw for 325 yards on 21/29 passing (72%). FSU converted on 11/15 third down opportunities. D'Onofrio went with multiple fronts and blitzes throughout the game with soft zone coverage behind it. Several times Muhammed or someone else got pressure on him. They just weren't able to get to him in time before he got the ball away or took off on the run. FSU only punted once, and it didn't happen until the 4th quarter. If not for the 2 interceptions in the 1st half, we get beat way worse than we did. Again, there was no margin for error.

Let's recap.

1st Quarter:

Miami won the toss and deferred to the second half. FSU returned the kickoff to the 28 and Winston went to work. On the first 2 plays he completed an 11 yard pass to Benjamin, and a 9 yard pass to Greene. FSU is already at midfield. 2 plays later it's 3rd and 1, and Wilder gets the 1st down on a 5 yard gain. 3 plays later it's 3rd and long, but Winston dumped it off to Freeman for a 10 yard gain. 3 plays later it's 3rd and 12, and Muhammed comes through to get to Winston. He side-steps him, and takes off for a 19 yard gain.


3 plays after that, Freeman runs up the middle for the touchdown to cap off a 13 play, 72 yard drive.


Freeman reminded everyone he was, "representing the 3-0-5 up in Tallahassee". Whatever.

7-0 FSU

Miami takes over, and 3 hard runs by Duke gets UM near midfield. 3 plays later, Morris connects with Walford for a 13 yard gain to move Miami inside FSU's 30 yard line. The drive stalls there, and UM settles for a 44 yard Goudis field goal attempt.


It sails wide left.

FSU takes over and on their 3rd play, Miami gets some pressure on Winston. He gets rid of the ball in a hurry and doesn't see Deon Bush lurking, who leaps in the air to make the pick.



So happy for Deon. After the play, Brent and Herbie start making note of how Winston doesn't wear his contacts during games. Basically inferring that it's the reason he threw the pick.


Not that Miami could have had anything to do with it. Of course not.

On UM's 1st play some guy tugged on Duke's face mask, so it moves Miami to midfield. 3 staight runs by Duke of 6, 2, and 7 yards puts Miami on FSU's 33 yard line. With all of these runs, FSU starts to creep up. So on the next play Morris goes play action and throws a laser to Hurns down the sideline for a 33 yard touchdown.




FSU takes over and Freeman busts a 19 yard gain up the middle to put them at the 40. 3 plays later it's 3rd and 10, and Winston finds O'Leary in the flat for a 9 yard gain. It's 4th and 1, and the 1st quarter ends with the score still 7-7.

2nd Quarter:

When we come back from commercial break, they say the spot was reviewed, and that FSU was given a 1st down...OK. A bit later it's 3rd and long. Once again Winston side-steps Muhammed and picks up the 1st down with his legs.


It's becoming the story line of the game for our defense. We get them in 3rd and long, but just a half-step too late in getting to the QB. After getting backed up by a false start, Winston launches a jump ball to Benjamin for a 35 yard gain to make it 1st and goal.


No idea what AJ was doing there. 3 plays later Wilder punches it in from 1 yard out for the touchdown.


14-7 FSU

I hate that guy with the burning of a thousand suns. Does this clown have some sort of double-secret waiver allowing him to be the only guy in the nation to wear his jersey like that?

When UM gets the ball they start moving backwards. On 2nd down a stretch play to the right gets blown up by Telvin Smith, Duke spins out of it and makes a helluva run cutting back to the left side for big gain and.........the refs blow it dead. They say his forward progress was stopped and it was a 2 yard loss. Whatever. It's now 3rd and 14 so Morris throws a 30 yard dart to Hurns over the middle to move Miami to midfield. The drive stalls after that they punt it back to FSU.

FSU gets to midfield in no time. Then they call timeout. On the next play Miami sends a blitz from the right side. FSU goes with screen pass to Freeman behind it and Freeman has a convoy down the sideline. He goes 48 yards for the score basically untouched.


21-7 FSU

Miami goes 3 and out in embarrassing fashion on the next possession. Everyone at Doak and watching from home can tell the wheels are about to come off this thing. Miami lucks out though, because Jameis Squinton threw an awful pass behind O'Leary, and Jenkins was there for the pick.

After a 12 yard run by Duke and a juggling 20 yard catch by Walford, UM is in the red zone. A few plays later it's 3rd and long, and Morris scrambles out of bounds for a gain of 9 yards. He comes up limping. Of course he does. Golden has no faith in Goudis, and knows we need a touchdown bad so he goes for it. Duke barely gets it on a 1 yard run. 2 plays later Morris throws another laser to Hurns for a 12 yard touchdown right on the edge of the end zone with 22 seconds remaining in the half.


It gets reviewed (of course it does), and it was a close one.


Yikes. The plays stands as called. Touchdown.


21-14 FSU

FSU kneels on it to end the half. So far Miami has forced 2 turnovers that have resulted into touchdowns and is still losing. Still, I was feeling good about our chances at halftime.

3rd Quarter:

Miami gets the ball to start the 2nd half, but can't cross the 50 yard line and punt it to FSU. FSU starts running on us and going play action off of it. When Miami is able to get FSU to a 3rd down situation, it's always an easy 3rd and short. Once they get to midfield, Winston finds Greene for a 22 yard gain, and then Shaw for a 26 yard gain to set up 1st and goal from the 5. After the play, there was a scrum because Chickillo and Hart were going at it.


Stick-tap to Chickillo. I hope he didn't hurt his fingers in that sequence. The refs called offsetting personal fouls. The crowd is now super into the game. They erupt on the next play when Wilder bounces it to the outside and dives for the pylon to get his 2nd touchdown of the game.


28-14 FSU

AJ whiffed on the tackle. No idea why he's playing so much at this point. Miami needs to respond with points, and on the very 1st play Miami goes play action. Stacy Coley has his man beat by 3 steps, but Morris holds onto the ball too long. The ball is also under thrown and picked off by P.J. Williams. FSU smells blood. They get to midfield after back to back dump offs to Freeman for gains of 24 and 7 yards. After running it down UM's throat with Freeman and Wilder, Winston finds O'Leary for an 18 yard gain. On the next play Freeman runs it 12 yards off the left side for a 12 yard touchdown.


35-14 FSU


FSU now has the 3 touchdown lead everyone said they'd win by. Duke Johnson doesn't care. He runs for 23 and 8 yards on the 1st two plays to get to midfield. On the next play Mario Edwards gets flagged for roughing Morris. 2 plays later Morris finds Coley down the sideline, but Coley can't make the catch. He tried to make a 1 handed grab, when he should have just laid out for it. Hindsight is a ************, because 2 plays later it's 4th and 2. Golden goes for it and FSU stuffs Duke a yard short of the sticks for the turnover on downs. To make matters worse, Duke's ankle gets pinned back as the pile falls on top of him.


FSU showed how much of a "Rivalry of Respect" this is when Tim Jernigan mocked Duke as he laid on the ground, writhing in pain. He pointed at him, pointed at the offensive line, and then pointed to the sideline. Anyone who says they respect FSU more than UF, simply because they kept us on the schedule, is a ******. They both suck equally. Duke had to be helped off the field. He couldn't put any weight on his right ankle. FSU runs it twice to mercifully bring the 3rd quarter to an end with a 35-14 lead.

Gif that sums up the 3rd quarter:


4th Quarter:

FSU goes 3 and out and has to punt. It's the 1st time, and only time they punted in the game. The camera pans to Duke, who is getting carted off the field.


The TV crew reports it as a sprain, but it comes out later last night that Duke is done for the year. Sprains don't end your season with over 5 games left on it. The rest of the game doesn't matter. Morris threw another pick, and FSU tacked on 2 field goals to make the final score 41-14.

Miami has Virginia Tech coming to town this Saturday for a 7:00 pm tilt on homecoming weekend. All that's at stake is the inside track for an appearance in the ACC Championship game. Something we've never been able to do in almost 10 seasons in this joke of a conference. Anyone within a day's driving distance better be there, or I'll hunt you down and murder you in your sleep. I'm not joking.

Comments (6)


Wait a second, I thought Freeman was throwing up the 5-0-3 all night long.

Figured he was either from Portland Oregon, or just a ******* dunce. Which is it?
We played hard and kept it close.. I felt there was magic coming back from the half if we icy ok'd tie the game as all the pressure would be on FSU as they should be blowing us out already
Good stuff dan.

After a day to mourn, i am even more sick because of what happened to duke. But after thinking about it i am confident that he will rehab like a maniac and come back next year transformed as a mutant. Hes young, elite, blessed with a terrific culture and team around him, not to mention world class medical facilities.

get well soon duke
"Zero margin for error." That was my thought going into this game the whole week. Time to pummel the Hokies for the Coastal
the play action pick on 1st down when the score was 28-14 was the nail in the coffin. i was just saying that we should go back to the run game right before that happened.


losing Duke is a killer. we are in big trouble without him