Recap: Canes Sleepwalk To 41-7 Victory Over FAMU

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
8 min read
Despite an up and down performance, Miami still won easily against FAMU as they should.


So glad this game is over. I nearly fell asleep in the 2nd half. It was a pretty uninspiring performance all around. But I said before the game that my only real concern was avoiding injuries, so I can't act like I'm displeased that other than Perryman dinging his shoulder, we came out ok. The defense dominated a completely outmatched opponent. Although there were moments when FAMU's WR Norwood made Tracy Howard and Ladarius Gunter look silly. That didn't inspire any confidence, but FAMU rarely even crossed the 50, let alone avoid going 3 & out, so it didn't hurt us. What was troubling was our offense. The OL still isn't looking good and there's no rhythm on offense. 3rd downs are also still terrible.


We went 2 for 10 on 3rd down last night. That's after going 1 for 13 last week against Louisville. We were pretty bad at it last year too, especially down the stretch, so this isn't all on Kaaya. We just aren't a good football team right now. When you see that on display against a team like FAMU, it's hard not to get pist off. After the game Golden told the media that "We need to go back and analyze everything about it." Whenever he gives some milquetoast, non-answer, answer like that it means nothing will change.



Other than kickoff coverage, special teams was an adventure all the way around too. Goudis struggled, going 2 for 4 on the night. The 2 he made were from 20 and 23 yards out. The 2 he missed were a 32 yarder that sailed wide left, and a 45 yarder that was 5 yards short. Our punt team was also responsible for the lone score for FAMU. Whatever.



Really wish I could find clip or gif of Regula's botched snap. Oh well, lets recap.

1st Quarter:

UM kicked off to start the game and the guy for FAMU who caught it was stoned at the 10 yard line. It was like that all night. The announcers we got were definitely ESPN's "R" team. I once heard, "Damien Kaaya", and "Chickalew" come out of my iMac speakers. That's what happens when your game is on ESPN3. FAMU goes 3 and out quickly and UM moves down the field in no time. After nearly being picked off, Kaaya finds Dorsett for the 1st touchdown of the game.



7-0 Miami

On the ensuing kickoff Jermaine Grace killed some guy for FAMU during the return.



After another 3 and out Miami starts moving into FAMU territory. Kaaya takes a shot deep into the endzone, but Waters doesn't fight much for it, and it gets picked off by former Booker T. player Darren Parker.


Thurston Armbrister didn't care, so he decided to get his 2nd sack/fumble in as many games to get the ball back for his teammates.


On the next play Duke passed Frank Gore for 9th all-time on Miami's career rushing list. It would've been a touchdown but Regula tripped him up before he could score.


Duke scored on the next play so it was whatever.


14-0 Miami

On FAMU's next possession they finally do something, as Fleming connects with Norwood for a 30 yard gain. The quarter ends with FAMU at midfield and Miami still leading 14-0.

2nd Quarter:

FAMU converts on 4th and 1 and twitter explodes.





FAMU ends up punting anyway. When UM gets the ball back, Duke feels like running for 55 yards, so he does.


He zigged and zagged his way to becoming the 9th RB in Hurricane history to eclipse 2,000 career rushing yards. Not bad. Gadbois gets flagged for something and Kc McDermott replaces him at RT. 2 decent carries by Edwards later, and UM scores another touchdown.



21-0 Miami

FAMU goes 3 and out again, and Coley's punt return puts Miami inside the 30. On the next play it looked like Walford had fumbled a pass from Kaaya, but it's reviewed and ruled incomplete. Miami settles for a 45 yard FG attempt by Goudis and it's short. Still 21-0 Miami. FAMU goes 3 and out again. On Miami's next drive, Kaaya stands tall in the pocket, and lofts a floater to Dorsett in the back of the endzone for a touchdown. It was definitely one of those, "No No No No, YES", type of plays.




28-0 Miami

Miami forces another 3 and out and gets the ball back with less than a minute left in the half. Golden wants to see Kaaya run a 2 minute offesne, but he throws 3 straight incompletions. Ordinarily that wouldn't matter, but Regula fired a snap 20 feet over the punter's head. Vogel couldn't locate the ball, and FAMU's John Boston recovered it in the endzone. I just imagined Yakety Sax playing in the background while it happened.


28-7 Miami

That's how the half ended. Golden was interviewed by some lady and he starts talking about a short week and being worried about players legs or something. Jesus. Then it was time to watch FAMU's band.


3rd Quarter:

Miami moves down the field quickly to start the 2nd half. They're doing it without Coley or Duke as Golden has begun pulling 1st string guys. Once they get into the redzone, Kaaya lofts a pass that bounces off of Walford's finger tips, and into the arms of FAMU defensive back Jacques Bryant. The crowd is getting anxious now.

FAMU tries to take advantage of the situation as Fleming launches a 41 yard pass to Norwood. Gunter looked lost on the play and the Rattlers were already in field goal range. Now with about 8 minutes left in the 3rd quarter FAMU was looking to make it a 2 possession game. That's when Armbrister stepped up again and sacked Fleming for a 14 yard loss. FAMU missed the field goal and whatever minuscule hope they had for this game was over. Miami goes on a long drive, the highlight of which was a 4th and 12 grab by Berrios for a 22 yard gain. It leads to a short Goudis field goal to extend Miami's lead.

31-7 Miami

Another possession, another 3 and out by FAMU. Heaps is now in and he hands off to Yearby, who makes a 15 yard run to close out the 3rd quarter with UM still up 31-7.

4th Quarter:

Miami's drive gets to the redzone and they end up settling for a FG. Goudis misses it, and the remnants of the crowd are pretty antsy. Each team exchanges 3 and outs for a while, and then I saw this.


Yikes. Miami then decides to do something on offense. Yearby, Edwards, and Berrios all contributed. ****, even D'Mauri Jones caught a pass from Heaps. Once they get down to the 10, Trayone Gray gets subbed in and scores a 10 yard touchdown on his very first carry.



38-7 Miami

Antonio Crawford forces a fumble on the ensuing kickoff, and Corn Elder scoops it up before being tackled at the 9. It leads to another short Goudis FG.

41-7 Miami

FAMU's last drive runs out the clock to bring the game to a merciful end.

Final Score:

Miami 41

Arkansas St. next week.

Comments (13)

Watching a Miami football game, even a win, is a painful experience anymore. No passion or aggression.
good recap as there any truth that Golden has 50 wins and 50 losses for his coaching career???
So depressing. Not the recap, the game. At least the recap is exciting since we can get right to the meat of things vs having to watch our ill-prepared team again. Save that for this coming Saturday. At least it's not a short week, need all that time to build the game-plan.
2 lasting thoughts from this game:

-Our coaching staff sucks.

-I remember the days when you could draw the other team offsides and the officials would...oh, you know, actually ******* flag them for being offsides.
Nice stuff Dan.

That was horrible down-field blocking on Duke's 55yd run. Really Keystone Cop type stuff.
thanks for the recap. didnt watch

that was the first CANES game in many years that i made no effort to watch. I've skipped family members weddings to watch CANES football in the past. this staff has destroyed this program to a point that I didnt even think was possible. as bad as Randy Shannon was mailing it in recruiting wise the 2009 and 2010 teams would curb stomp ANY of F/A/Gs teams.

this program is a joke right now. its really ******* depressing and pathetic considering the fact that SFL has the best and most volume of talent in the country
thanks for the recap. didnt watch

that was the first CANES game in many years that i made no effort to watch. I've skipped family members weddings to watch CANES football in the past. this staff has destroyed this program to a point that I didnt even think was possible. as bad as Randy Shannon was mailing it in recruiting wise the 2009 and 2010 teams would curb stomp ANY of F/A/Gs teams.

this program is a joke right now. its really ******* depressing and pathetic considering the fact that SFL has the best and most volume of talent in the country

I'm with ya. This was the first game in in many year I didn't even attempt to watch. I would skip functions aswell just to watch the real U. As the updates roll threw on my phone I was like how are they not curb stomping FAMU..?!?

**** just doesn't add up. Very talented roster... A roster every team in the ACC would trade for minus FSU and maybe VT. We should embarrassing teams, but of course, once again we are the embarrassment.

And all the university does is stand behind its catchy slogans and our coaches continually spew bull****. I mean can they really enjoy what we display every Saturday? Something needs to change. Wether it be Donna, AG or Blake... Or all 3. This losing **** and passive mentality needs to disappear in a hurry.