Quarterback Offer Rewind: C/O 2017 N'Kosi Perry

Roman Marciante
4 min read
Before donning the orange and green, N'Kosi Perry was busy shattering Daunte Culpepper's Vanguard High School records. Perry would ultimately parlay that feat and propel to top of the recruiting board. CanesinSight will now go full rewind and find out why coach Mark Richt made Perry the ace up his sleeve.

N'Kosi Perry Senior Highlights

Footwork/Rhythm Perry shows a propensity to fall away from his target and not always align himself with his intended target. Can be lax in gun drops however does show very good rhythm and footwork on certain quick passing strikes. Perry senses pressure and will drop the ball early in an attempt to run. Would like him to anticipate the receiver's routes and work the pocket a bit more. Shows he can be an effective thrower from alternate platforms.

Accuracy Perry shows some ideal catch radius ball placement. (Perry Senior year completion % was .646 and never threw more than four interception in any season) Shows good touch on deep balls. Saw some surgical ball placement on slants and seems. Arm Strength: Plenty. A 60 yard plus thrower who shows he can still hit receivers in stride even when not in rhythm and the pocket is collapsing. Saw some out routes thrown with authority and has a 25 plus yard seem throw that has ZERO drop off. Arm Mechanics: Slightly variable. Seems to elongate when trying to throw with more power otherwise has the ability to get the ball out quick and factor in quick passing scheme.

Mobility Perry's lateral burst and cutting ability is impressive. He has the ability to make defenders continuously miss and shows very good improvisation skill set. Would not classify Perry as a straight line burner but he easily can factor in any QB run capacity. Also noted Perry to be a tough kid willing to sacrifice his body in a blocking capacity.

Roman Rank: Kid has the tools no doubt. Perry has a very live arm and his ability to laterally juke a defender out of his shoes is fun to watch. Perry is not a refined quarterback here. His offense is very schematically friendly and utilizes numbers and field leverage for simple identifiable reads. In that that type of system Perry no doubt can succeed. (OC also ran RPO's)

But with every wow moment that leads to euphoria, I see some concerns that level me off into a cautious homeostasis. Perry needs to trust that pocket and trust his route concepts. He seems to rely on his eyes to dictate openness and I can find other quarterback film where anticipation seems more prevalent.

Saw an instance on film where a lead receiver in a stack runs a post wide open with no safety over the top. In that instance, a zero high safety look should have been a dinner bell for the eight route and would have been an easy touchdown. Perry however dropped the ball just a little bit too early and simply ran for a first.

Ultimately Perry shows you that he has the legs and the arm to be the guy. Perry just needs to live on a diet of field reading and his playbook and I think he will supplement his stock exponentially. When and "if" you start hearing coaches or teammates praising Perry's ability to dissect coverages, he's ready. Until then you will see only flashes of brilliance. And when it flashes for too long without staying on? It's a hazard light. Roman Rank: 4.2 Stars

Comments (27)

Awesome, tell me how he's doing at the big boy level?

Not sure what the point of this is.
Someone on youtube tried to compare N'kosi to Marcus Mariota. LMAO
Awesome, tell me how he's doing at the big boy level?

Not sure what the point of this is.

Hey bud. In Spring when there just isn't a ton of actual game film to break down, you tend to find the need to get creative. Actually in staff, Stefan had the idea for the re-watch series and I personally have really benefited from it. Now after breaking down Rosier and Kosi high school film you tend to see some of their idiosyncrasies carry over.

Actually in one of the threads I make mention of it. I felt in the spring game, the pressure seemed to get Kosi to drop the ball a bit early and forsake his reads a bit prematurely. Well low and behold Richt made a mention of this in an interview (in terms of when to run with Kosi) and he did show this same trait at Vanguard.

Not all these pieces are going to hit home runs with every single person. I realize that nor do I take offense. But in terms of your last comment "how is he doing on the big boy level?" I will kindly remind you that earlier in this week the topic of how he did at the spring game was covered at great length. (It's actually the piece I did right before this one)
Someone on youtube tried to compare N'kosi to Marcus Mariota. LMAO

Heard that comment. In a regards I will say that comparison has some merit. Mariota high school film was nowhere near the reflection of what he became at the collegiate level. He showed flashes sure, but it was a less than desirable film. He was a tall skinny kid with a nice live arm who could run a little bit. He wasn't reading the field at a high level. Foot work was meh. 3 star film at best.

I think you can say the comparison at the collegiate level is grossly inaccurate but from high school to high school aspect I get it. Let's just hope Kosi transcends and improves the way Mariota did. (holding breath)
Perry will never play for Rick if he’s an improviser and takes off running too early. Rick is all about QBs who know and execute his system.

Not saying Perry will wind up there, but there’s a massive college football graveyard full of fairly fast QBs with big arms and no football acumen.

DCs are too good at this level. They feast on one-read and panic QBs. They trick the fck out of them. It’s nearly impossible to be an excellent QB at this level without football acumen.
Hey bud. In Spring when there just isn't a ton of actual game film to break down, you tend to find the need to get creative. Actually in staff, Stefan had the idea for the re-watch series and I personally have really benefited from it. Now after breaking down Rosier and Kosi high school film you tend to see some of their idiosyncrasies carry over.

Actually in one of the threads I make mention of it. I felt in the spring game, the pressure seemed to get Kosi to drop the ball a bit early and forsake his reads a bit prematurely. Well low and behold Richt made a mention of this in an interview (in terms of when to run with Kosi) and he did show this same trait at Vanguard.

Not all these pieces are going to hit home runs with every single person. I realize that nor do I take offense. But in terms of your last comment "how is he doing on the big boy level?" I will kindly remind you that earlier in this week the topic of how he did at the spring game was covered at great length. (It's actually the piece I did right before this one)


Hey bud. In Spring when there just isn't a ton of actual game film to break down, you tend to find the need to get creative. Actually in staff, Stefan had the idea for the re-watch series and I personally have really benefited from it. Now after breaking down Rosier and Kosi high school film you tend to see some of their idiosyncrasies carry over.

Actually in one of the threads I make mention of it. I felt in the spring game, the pressure seemed to get Kosi to drop the ball a bit early and forsake his reads a bit prematurely. Well low and behold Richt made a mention of this in an interview (in terms of when to run with Kosi) and he did show this same trait at Vanguard.

Not all these pieces are going to hit home runs with every single person. I realize that nor do I take offense. But in terms of your last comment "how is he doing on the big boy level?" I will kindly remind you that earlier in this week the topic of how he did at the spring game was covered at great length. (It's actually the piece I did right before this one)

Man **** him. Do what you do. The rest of us know what you're getting at without you having to break out the crayons and construction paper.
Perry will never play for Rick if he’s an improviser and takes off running too early. Rick is all about QBs who know and execute his system.

Not saying Perry will wind up there, but there’s a massive college football graveyard full of fairly fast QBs with big arms and no football acumen.

DCs are too good at this level. They feast on one-read and panic QBs. They trick the fck out of them. It’s nearly impossible to be an excellent QB at this level without football acumen.
QBs with low football IQ but ELITE athleticism have ranged from 12-0 Vince Young at Texas to 8-5 Lamar Jackson at Louisville. We do not have a QB with ELITE athleticism, though.
Roman, I'm just going to say it. Sometimes I feel completely unqualified to be on this board. Fascinating writeup.
this board annointed him before he even arrived. said he would start. made psuedo film-analaysis that were totally off base. only hopped on his d!ck because he was black and from florida and was mobile. fact. even made threads how he would start as a true freshman.

the perry fan boys mad that golden 3* QB is better then the florida QB. fact.
Roman, I'm just going to say it. Sometimes I feel completely unqualified to be on this board. Fascinating writeup.


Dude, there's like 3 guys who are "insiders" and 6 more who understand football film on a deep level. But without the rest of us morans, there's no sight. So take a bow, you're part of what makes this place happen.