Post Game Plus/Minus: FAU

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
3 min read
It wasn't pretty, but UM wins fairly easy against FAU 34-6.


It wasn't the dominating effort we thought, but this game was never really in doubt. Sure it should have been 21-0 at the end of the 1st quarter, but as soon as Duke scampered for his 53 yard TD the game was basically over.
Just in case you forgot, FAU put forth the same kind of effort last year up in Georgia where it was tied 14-14 at the half. So don't get all jammed up because FAU actually tried to win the game. Having said that, the offense needs to tighten stuff up for next week.


+++++++Duke Johnson:
He was sick just like last year. He finished with 186 yards rushing on 19 carries, and an additional 38 yards receiving. He gave everyone a scare after he threw a block on Herb Water's TD, but he was fine.

+Herb Waters:
He made several plays, most notably his 63 yard TD on a reverse. While the offense was sleep-walking we needed someone besides Duke to make plays and he stepped up.

+The Entire Defense:
They didn't suck, that's for sure. Yea it's FAU, but remember Bethune-Cookman last year? FAU's offense did nothing save for 1 drive. I don't think there's a guy who gets more heat than Kacy Rodgers. I've hated on that kid too, but he made plays including a sack and forced fumble that set up a TD. They even stood tall in the red-zone to force FAU into field goals. They held FAU to less than 250 yards of offense and racked up 5 sacks. For comparison, we had 13 sacks all season last year.

+The Freshmen:
Outside of Stacy's drops there wasn't much to complain about from them. He'll be fine, I ain't got no worries. AQM was noticeable around the edge. Artie Burns looked good in coverage breaking up a couple of passes. The Gus Bus rumbled down the field a couple of times late in the game. And finally my boy Figatron was unleashing **** on people. He even has a pretty sweet Mile-High Salute celly going on.


-The Offense:
It's hard to complain about the offense when they had over 500 yards in the game, but I'm going to. I expected a lot more, and outside of Duke there was a lot of sloppy play. Morris looked erratic at times (his INT looked awful), but the drops by Coley early on prevented them from getting into a rhythm. The O-Line got stuffed twice on 4th and short and that's unacceptable. Yea, Edwards was in on that last one, but it shouldn't have even taken 4 straight runs. The silver lining is that the coaches have all week to remind them that they need to get better if they want to beat Florida.


Full recap in the morning.

Comments (155)

I can't complain because as you said, remember Bethune? But Morris and the wr need to get their timing better....and coley? I'll chalk that up to first game nerves.

I do think the OL needs to improve a little. There should be no problem converting 2 yards on the ground against FAU.

As for defense, still a lot of open receivers that the FAU qb couldn't hit. Gotta tighten that up. But as you said, better.

As much a I love 4 as a wideout, they gotta take him off returns. Dude has no wiggle or vision. Put Artie on kicks and Stacey on punts. Dude is awful.

Also, impressed with goudis. Kid looks good.
gus didnt just rumble down the field he was elusive and i think he can be a good back up for duke johnson that can make plays
Was slightly disappointed in our short yardage offense. We should have pushed their **** in.
I'm just not sold on Dorsett as anything other than a guy who can give you a big play now and then on a go route.
Definitely want someone else returning punts but it won't matter unless we get some blocking.

I like what I saw from our freshmen. I feel that Coley will be great.

Dorsett hasn't had one impressive play since NC State last year.

Gus got shut down but we didn't have one starting offensive lineman in the game. Williams looked good throwing the ball. Hope Scott is ok. We must get better on 3rd and 4th down conversions on offense and have to tighten up on D. Gators won't drop all those passes. Gonna be a LONG week with a ton to improve on.
Plus was definitely our turnout compared to the usual standards. For those of you worried about a 50-50 split between UF and Miami fans, its not going to happen. I would say around half the stadium was full tonight, maybe a little more.
Pretty accurate round up.

Also, as mentioned, take Dorsett off returns. Being fast in a straight line doesn't mean anything on returns if you can't make a man miss in the open field.

The run D is much, much better than last year. The pass D......well I think we're fortunate FAU can't pass. The pass D warmed up a little as the game wore on, but there were plenty of open receivers that a good QB would have hit.
Morris looked erratic at times

that's extremely generous. personally, i think he looked **** poor. there were drops and some iffy play-calling, but almost every pass looked forced and his decision-making was suspect at best.
I agree with caneofny the OL, theydidn't look dominant and Morris wasn't consistent enough. On the plus side our D looked great & F*ch everyone that says it's because it was FAU. Every team put yards on us last year.
- Rashawn Scott getting injured.

- Denzel Perryman dropping a pick six and getting 2 15 yard penalties (albeit both were suspect calls)

- Offensive line inability (still) to knock people off the ball in obvious running downs
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Defense played a very good game and did not allow any TDs. Got to give it up to Kacy Rodgers played a **** of a game. He missed a sack and dropped in an INT in the 1st half but made some real nice tackles and played a very nice overall game. Was not happy with Morris made some bad throws. For all the pre season hype with Morris felt he should've don't a lot better against FAU. Felt like we dunked it way to much to our slowest WR Hurns. Looks like we are losing Scott for the season, seemed to me that he fractured his clavicle. WR depth is getting thin... On to UF
Definitely want someone else returning punts but it won't matter unless we get some blocking.

I like what I saw from our freshmen. I feel that Coley will be great.

Dorsett hasn't had one impressive play since NC State last year.

Gus got shut down but we didn't have one starting offensive lineman in the game. Williams looked good throwing the ball. Hope Scott is ok. We must get better on 3rd and 4th down conversions on offense and have to tighten up on D. Gators won't drop all those passes. Gonna be a LONG week with a ton to improve on.

Guess you missed the last 3 games last year.
Defense played a very good game and did not allow any TDs. Got to give it up to Kacy Rodgers played a **** of a game. He missed a sack and dropped in an INT in the 1st half but made some real nice tackles and played a very nice overall game. Was not happy with Morris made some bad throws. For all the pre season hype with Morris felt he should've don't a lot better against FAU. Felt like we dunked it way to much to our slowest WR Hurns. Looks like we are losing Scott for the season, seemed to me that he fractured his clavicle. WR depth is getting thin... On to UF

This. Hurns should be blocking on those plays, not receiving the pass.
-Figatron looked good
-FG kicker went 2/2 (that was a big ? for me)
-Artie burns on those two plays in the end did very well covering the WR
-Ryan Williams looked better than last year from what I saw
-Gus Edwards-shiftier and faster than I thought
-D-line played well!

-Morris/Dorsett timing
-Stacy Coley dropping two TD passes, hopefully just first game jitters
-Offensive line just does not dominate the line of scrimmage, no excuse vs. an FCS d-line
-Denzel Perryman-very intense player and goes all out every play, unfortunately when the ball carrier is going down DP still goes full speed picking up those penalties.
Offensive game plan was very vanilla b/c dont want to give Florida everything to study on film before next week.... They made some mistakes which is very correctable but i believe Coley held back a lot. I think he got frustrated and thats when he pulled out another play and we saw that Herb Waters sweep for a touchdown.

The defense out played the offense today and i didnt see no "bend dont break" at all.... very aggressive from the start, KC made plays.... he didnt show any hesitation at all tonight. When Deon Bush gets back in the rotation the defense is going to be even better.

Tracy Howard made his receiver disappear the entire game, A. Crawford and L. Gunter looked very good today as well.... FIGS and DP played nasty. The D-line was looking like a completely different unit then last year. There wasnt a d-lineman that i wasnt impressed w/ tonight that played.

40-7 was the final score Bama beat FAU last year by.... 5 point difference between the outcome when they played FAU and tonight (34-6). GUS Edwards got in for a TD, refs blew the play and the spread.

I think this is a very good start and no team is perfect at the beginning of the season and its so obvious to see how far this team has already come since last season..... if the offense is the "worst" unit in the game then Miami is in very good shape to do damage this season.... we all know how explosive this offense can be and is so no need to panic about that.
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We look rusty but good W. My only thing is the DTs and OL looked like ****. Theres no way we out physical Ufak. What was the big thing on the board with Porter dude was on skates, Pierre is the only inside guy I like so far. SM looks the same as last year but the D def got better. Our lines gotta be more nasty to beat UF.
We look rusty but good W. My only thing is the DTs and OL looked like ****. Theres no way we out physical Ufak. What was the big thing on the board with Porter dude was on skates, Pierre is the only inside guy I like so far.

Porter may not be a 100% b/c of his back but i saw him do a good job disrupting the O-line today.... Luther Robinson also. Jelani Hamilton, Kamalu, Green, Chickilo, AQM, and Gilbert all did a very good job putting pressure on the QB.

The OL did a good job in pass protection but those Guards arent that good in run support at all.... Seantrel Henderson is the best of the bunch imo. he was mauling dudes all game for the most part.