Comments (14)

@Stefan Adams

Nice job. The way you described the recruitment of Elam and Battle is beyond inexplicable. It's completely mind numbing. To let Urban Meyer just waltz in and take Battle who by all accounts was a very pro UM guy is nauseating. If it wasn't so pathetic it would be downright laughable. We honestly never paid any attention to Battle until the taint already had the kid under their spell?

We haven't bothered to recruit Elam but we're investing time and effort on Dent who clearly isn't coming? Is this starting to sound a bit familiar? I've always stood behind this staff and still do but I think it's quite clear there is a problem here in terms of targeting and prioritizing recruits. We don't seem to see these issues on offense. It's the defensive side that seems to be the issue, particularly the DBs.

I'm sure many will disagree and that's fine. In my opinion there is an issue here that needs to be be dealt with because we can't get to where we want to go if this type of dysfunction continues.
Great Pod btw..

Trayvon Walker might be coming for Paradise camp? That's news to me....
@Stefan Adams

Nice job. The way you described the recruitment of Elam and Battle is beyond inexplicable. It's completely mind numbing. To let Urban Meyer just waltz in and take Battle who by all accounts was a very pro UM guy is nauseating. If it wasn't so pathetic it would be downright laughable. We honestly never paid any attention to Battle until the taint already had the kid under their spell?

We haven't bothered to recruit Elam but we're investing time and effort on Dent who clearly isn't coming? Is this starting to sound a bit familiar? I've always stood behind this staff and still do but I think it's quite clear there is a problem here in terms of targeting and prioritizing recruits. We don't seem to see these issues on offense. It's the defensive side that seems to be the issue, particularly the DBs.

I'm sure many will disagree and that's fine. In my opinion there is an issue here that needs to be be dealt with because we can't get to where we want to go if this type of dysfunction continues.

Not going after Elam really blows my mind. There was a screen shot in gator tears of a gaytor fan post, who listed a bunch of recruits they'd need to sign to barely crack the top 10. Not many names were very realistic outside of Elam & MAYBE 1 or 2 more. My point is, Elam has to know that too. Unless he's so in love with UFag that it wont phase him, he's well aware of the fact their roster & class isn't exactly loaded with top tier talent. So you'd have to think, as of right now, there's a legit chance for other schools to sign him.
Great job loved the fact that you were critical/questioned DB recruiting. Hopefully by the end of the cycle it will be explained but as of right now, with the info we have, and the patterns we've observes, it is baffling. Bordering on being pathetic.
I'm afraid they're putting too much of their safety hopes on Stevenson who as of now isn't going to Paradise. I trust the staff but the optics on thiskid are terrible
I'm afraid they're putting too much of their safety hopes on Stevenson who as of now isn't going to Paradise. I trust the staff but the optics on thiskid are terrible
I trust the staff as coaches. I'm very skeptical of them as recruiters. CB and safety boards have been messes all cycle going through multiple re-shufflings.
I trust the staff as coaches. I'm very skeptical of them as recruiters. CB and safety boards have been messes all cycle going through multiple re-shufflings.

It's a total mess and this cycle it has become apparent that Banda and Rumph do not have a viable recruiting strategy in place. Everything seems haphazard and unorganized as if they were flying by the seat of their pants. Not a good look. Richt needs to get involved and get these guys some help sooner rather than later.
It's a total mess and this cycle it has become apparent that Banda and Rumph do not have a viable recruiting strategy in place. Everything seems haphazard and unorganized as if they were flying by the seat of their pants. Not a good look. Richt needs to get involved and get these guys some help sooner rather than later.

It just seems weird that they are constantly changing who the priority is and making it known. Gant and Battle should have been recruited equally hard throughout the process.

With that said, Stevenson is the guy that will make us forgive all. They land the big fish and all is well (if they hold onto what we currently have).
Not sure why I still read the recruiting board, it's all doom and gloom, sky has fallen type ****.

Even after a very strong 2018 class.

And in July.
Not sure why I still read the recruiting board, it's all doom and gloom, sky has fallen type ****.

Even after a very strong 2018 class.

And in July.
Doom and Gloom? Where? We have an excellent recruiting class 2018 who are all enrolled and in the process of putting together another stellar class for 2019. That being said the criticism being levied here is rational and valid. As passionate fans we are in it to win it and collectively tend to sniff out potential weaknesses that may prevent our beloved program from reaching it's full potential. Are we as fans in a position to affect the changes we feel need to be made? Absolutely not but that doesn't mean we can't discuss it amongst ourselves.