My take from todays practice

1 min read
Overall it was a good time. The Weather sucked but what can you do?

-we look bigger and stronger

-love how enthusiastic the coaching staff is. Coach Golden worked with secondary for most of the practice. Coach D was running all over the place. Really liked his energy. He even gave me a chest bump during practice

-Raphael Kirby is a stud and will start from day one

-Deon Bush was watching practice and was itching to get in there

-Ryan Williams will be our starting QB. Stronger arm than Jacory so kill that noise

-Mike James looks like a beast. 5ringz will eat his words from last year

-Phillip Dorsett is a future All ACC Player. Stud!

-Offense and defensive line are huge. Cant wait to see what Chickillo does this year.

Loved what I saw today. Scrappy players in good physical condition. We look bigger fellas. You can tell our boys are putting in work. AJ Highsmith is a testament to exactly what Im talking about.

Comments (42)

What was it about Ryan Williams and Raphael Kirby that make you think they will start from day one. You mentioned Williams armed strength but Morris also has that strength.

Great stuff, do you mind if I move this to the football board?
Overall it was a good time. The Weather sucked but what can you do?

-we look bigger and stronger

-love how enthusiastic the coaching staff is. Coach Golden worked with secondary for most of the practice. Coach D was running all over the place. Really liked his energy. He even gave me a chest bump during practice

-Raphael Kirby is a stud and will start from day one

-Deon Bush was watching practice and was itching to get in there

-Ryan Williams will be our starting QB. Stronger arm than Jacory so kill that noise

-Mike James looks like a beast. 5ringz will eat his words from last year

-Phillip Dorsett is a future All ACC Player. Stud!

-Offense and defensive line are huge. Cant wait to see what Chickillo does this year.

Loved what I saw today. Scrappy players in good physical condition. We look bigger fellas. You can tell our boys are putting in work. AJ Highsmith is a testament to exactly what Im talking about.

Hey I dogged mike James for his terrible performance LAST YEAR. I'm rooting for him but I doubt it.
No problem.

Kirby is physically ready to play now. He showed good instincts and stood out on 7-7 drills.

As for Ryan, many peole compared him to Jacory when it came to arm strength a few months back. I couldnt disagree more. Anything inside 20 yds was a strike. He didnt look great but I saw enough from him to realize Morris is in trouble. Ryan wasnt perfect. But who is in the rain with 20 mph winds.

Some idiots will dog our guys but what they fail to realize is this is just the beginning. Real good energy, a coaching staff actually teaching and players that were not dogging it.
Easy there, everyone is a gym short All-American. Let's make predictions after the spring game.
No problem.

Kirby is physically ready to play now. He showed good instincts and stood out on 7-7 drills.

As for Ryan, many peole compared him to Jacory when it came to arm strength a few months back. I couldnt disagree more. Anything inside 20 yds was a strike. He didnt look great but I saw enough from him to realize Morris is in trouble. Ryan wasnt perfect. But who is in the rain with 20 mph winds.

Some idiots will dog our guys but what they fail to realize is this is just the beginning. Real good energy, a coaching staff actually teaching and players that were not dogging it.

Is it fair to say our D will be a lot better this year than last, despite the loses? It seems like we are making progress really quick on that front.
@ 2511 Kirby will play OLB. My guess the will
No problem.

Kirby is physically ready to play now. He showed good instincts and stood out on 7-7 drills.

As for Ryan, many peole compared him to Jacory when it came to arm strength a few months back. I couldnt disagree more. Anything inside 20 yds was a strike. He didnt look great but I saw enough from him to realize Morris is in trouble. Ryan wasnt perfect. But who is in the rain with 20 mph winds.

Some idiots will dog our guys but what they fail to realize is this is just the beginning. Real good energy, a coaching staff actually teaching and players that were not dogging it.

Is it fair to say our D will be a lot better this year than last, despite the loses? It seems like we are making progress really quick on that front.
our defense really wasnt that bad last year
preciate it KAT. You have always been a poster I have respected for a great while. Dont think ive ever shared that... lol


Greentree All Americans. Heard all this before. Its just so hard to actually believe this stuff is translating to wins until it actually starts happening.

Upside is the energy of the coaching staff... thats something Im excited about because we havent had a staff like this since... well, probably Butch days.

I believe you about Kirby, cuz... I have been saying for a long time he is going to be the stud on D of this class. Dude has the size and the tools, and he has it upstairs... I just hope the dude can control himself while hes here.
No problem.

Kirby is physically ready to play now. He showed good instincts and stood out on 7-7 drills.

As for Ryan, many peole compared him to Jacory when it came to arm strength a few months back. I couldnt disagree more. Anything inside 20 yds was a strike. He didnt look great but I saw enough from him to realize Morris is in trouble. Ryan wasnt perfect. But who is in the rain with 20 mph winds.

Some idiots will dog our guys but what they fail to realize is this is just the beginning. Real good energy, a coaching staff actually teaching and players that were not dogging it.

Is it fair to say our D will be a lot better this year than last, despite the loses? It seems like we are making progress really quick on that front.
our defense really wasnt that bad last year

first 6 games our D was ****.

Last 6 games I would say we were a slightly better then average defense. I think we will see a vast improvement this year.
@ Andrew Yes! With VT and Ray Ray leading the secondary and Perryman running the D I believe we can be better on the defensive side of the ball. To be honest my only concern is DT. I like the direction were headed
We have freshman and sophomores playing against freshman and sophomores ... we are a few years away imo.
Appreciate it Pcity.

Lots of work ahead.I dont want to go overboard but Some of the energy I saw out there today reminded me of when Butch was here
@ Andrew Yes! With VT and Ray Ray leading the secondary and Perryman running the D I believe we can be better on the defensive side of the ball. To be honest my only concern is DT. I like the direction were headed

Good to hear, we really need VT and Ray Ray to step up since our corners are probably going to be young.
@ Andrew Yes! With VT and Ray Ray leading the secondary and Perryman running the D I believe we can be better on the defensive side of the ball. To be honest my only concern is DT. I like the direction were headed

Ray Ray has been getting burnt his whole career. Im excited about Vaughns senior year though he was on the verge of breaking out last year. Im also excited about the secondary because even though there are going to be some freshmen playing, its not going to be players moved from other positions to fill holes, its going to be actual position players who will have competed and won the job, and whoever that will be out of the crop we have coming in is bound to be good.

Perryman, sky is the limit for this guy. Kirby should also be a force. Linebacker should actually be the strength of this defense. I think we see an all new Jimmy Gaines and Ramon coming back is going to help a great deal.

Aside from Chickillo, our D line is weak until I see otherwise.
can we get some negative reviews to keep things balanced?