Miami Signee Jakai Clark Loves The Canes

3 min read
Jakai Clark is officially a Miami Hurricane and he is very excited about that.

“I really like it, both the coaches and the university. My parents love it too. I just felt like it was really cool, the stuff they have set up for the athletes and the help they give in terms of school. It’s nice, especially the weather. It’s a lot better than Georgia.”

Moving on from high school to college is always an exciting time whether you play football or not. For Clark, the most exciting part about college will be playing football against better competition.

“I guess just working with people and practicing with people who are around my same skill set. In high school it’s different every week. You get one guy who may be a sophomore and like 5’10’’ and the next week you’re playing against someone who’s 6’3’’ 320 or something like that. In college, it’s at a more consistent level so everyone is working hard and everyone is at the same strength level. So that’s what I’m most excited for, just competing with higher talent.”

Football is obviously Clark’s passion, but what would be his dream job outside of playing football?

“I would kind of like to be an engineer. I just want to know how computers and gaming systems and stuff like that works. It would be cool to build that stuff and learn how all of that stuff works.”

Coach Stacy Searels has high expectations for Clark’s freshman season, which involves replacing departing senior center and former starter Tyler Gauthier.

“He told me that he wants me to come in and expect to start. That’s not really my main goal, my main goal is just getting better fundamentally and physically. He just told me to work this offseason expecting to start next year because that’s where he wants me to be at.”

Clark holds himself and those around him to a very high standard and that will be the same for when he arrives on campus at Miami.

“I feel like anything other than a national championship is a failure. I feel like you always have to set your goals to the highest.”

While winning a national championship is Clark and the team’s goal for 2019, Clark’s personal goals are just to get better.

“I would like to at least rotate and get some playing time in a few games if I’m not starting. So I guess the main goal is to start, but I just want to get better mentally and physically and get some playing time.”

The wrap things up, Clark gave a message to all the fans of his new team.

“Just expect a real hard-working player.”


Comments (26)

Really like his senior film. He comes from one of the elite programs in Georgia and will be physically ready due to the way Grayson is run. He plays very physical and I cant Wait to see how he does when he gets here. Nasty player on the oline for sure
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Give him a shirt... and see what we got his RS-sophomore year

Think he’s got his head on right which is big for a center to have as he is the captain of the oline
I like that he played center in high school. He’ll be starting once Gaynor leaves.
He's not as athletic as Kingsley, but he's bigger and looks more physical. Probably not as high of a ceiling as Kingsley but seems like a kid who will be a solid 2 year starter once Gaynor leaves.
When Manny mentioned “young OL emerging” in his Monday presser, this is who he was talking about. Clark is not only locked in as our #2 C, he has gotten reps at starting RG when Scaife shifts to RT.

The 2019 OL class may end up a lot better than expected.
When Manny mentioned “young OL emerging” in his Monday presser, this is who he was talking about. Clark is not only locked in as our #2 C, he has gotten reps at starting RG when Scaife shifts to RT.

The 2019 OL class may end up a lot better than expected.
Has he over taken Reed/Herbert as the 6th man?
forsee him and nesta getting into it. Kid seems nasty..looks like how Nesta looked when he played og

Them we should try him at DT!

With OL you never know how well they’ll develop. Attitude is second most important after raw athleticism, and this kid has that. Should make a great center over time.
Excited about the future of this line but going into week 0 this is a young line
When Manny mentioned “young OL emerging” in his Monday presser, this is who he was talking about. Clark is not only locked in as our #2 C, he has gotten reps at starting RG when Scaife shifts to RT.

The 2019 OL class may end up a lot better than expected.
With the amount of players we have sent to league it just doesnt make sense we have never really had a dominant oline. Even when the majority were nfl level guys earlier this decade. Dont know if it was past S&C programs or OL coaches that were lacking (most likely combo of both) but really hoping coach Barry is that dude. The players seem to believe and rave about him, so that is definitely a start.

Fingers are ******* crossed.
I stopped following recruiting during the end of last season (disaster period) up through NSD. So, when I checked back in I thought it was interesting that we had basically replaced Kingsley Eguakun with Jakai Clark. I was sure it was due to decommit from Kingsley after the abysmal back half of the season, so I was concerned we downgraded. But, upon watching the tape I really did think Jakai Clark was a better prospect than Kingsley. Always thought Kinglsey was pretty average looking.

Encouraging news--thanks for sharing D