Incredible Month for Lewis III

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
4 min read
It has been an exciting month for Miami commitment Ray Lewis III. With his dad's run to the Super Bowl in his final NFL season, his official visit to Miami 10 days ago, and playing in the Semper Fidelis All-American game, he has had a lot to reflect on.

Lewis III broke down that trip to Miami.

"It was fun just because the coaches really make me feel like their friend. I saw the school of business and the classrooms and toured the school. I fell in love with the environment, the players, all of it. I was with Mo Hagens and Stephen Morris so it was a fun experience all-around."

Lewis III spoke on his experience at the Semper Fi Game.

"It was an honor. I wouldn't have been able to do it without the grace of God. It was just a reminder that going to a small school and all that didn't really matter if you put in work and not let the next man outwork you. It was just a great and humbling experience where I was able to showcase my talent against some of the best in the nation. It was a great opportunity to see what I needed to work on as well. The only thing that is going to differentiate you between the next person is your mindset, not just physical ability."

Something that Miami fans were happy to discover about Lewis III was that he roomed with top 'Cane target, RB Alex Collins, at the Semper Fi game.

"It was great because I was able to start working on him and see where his head was at and if he was sold on Miami and see how he felt about them. We would make jokes about certain things because we got along so well. I'm not really sure what he's gonna do and I can't speak for him, but I'm still working on him. He's still undecided."

The versatile athlete still doesn't know what spot he will play at Miami.

"I'm definitely going to play on special teams my first year and then it's still undecided. It will be wherever they need me because it doesn't really matter. I can play multiple positions so there's no set position yet."

Lewis III chimed on all the positive happenings over the past week at the University of Miami.

"I love the direction that not only Coach Golden, but the entire coaching staff is taking this program. I love the players' attitudes an the positive vibes."

Lewis III gave some insight as to why his father might have retired this season, as well as gave his thoughts on his run to the Super Bowl.

"I feel like he's the greatest to do it. There's a lot of debate who's the best ever, and I feel like if he won this Super Bowl, it wouldn't even be an argument anymore. His legacy and the mark he's made is just tremendous. What makes him so great right now is just knowledge. My dad's only really been able to see me play once a year when he had a bye week so with him getting hurt this year, he was able to come to more games and that's when I think he realized it would be his last year. I'm looking forward to him watching me and he is too."

After the win over the Patriots in the AFC Championship game, Lewis III received hateful twitter messages about his dad from NFL fans around the league. He spoke about how he handles situations like that.

"You gotta realize this is real life we live in and it's not a fantasy world where everybody loves Ray Lewis. It's just the reality of the situation. If somebody is passionate about the Patriots, crime, or anything they will say stuff like that. It's not something I let get to me because it's not something I can dwell on because it will only get worse as I get older."

Comments (35)

Everybody's already written him off before he's even stepped on campus. Which is sad. Hope he proves all y'all wrong and shuts up all the critics.
I've mentioned this before, but it's scary how much he sounds like his dad
Wow Pats fans are all class going after the man's kid on twitter.
I think he's gonna be a beast the day he steps on Greentree. He already has more drive and fight than some of the players on the team.
Polished and well spoken. If he has 40% of the focus and discipline his father has, we'll have a **** of a football player and leader.
Everybody's already written him off before he's even stepped on campus. Which is sad. Hope he proves all y'all wrong and shuts up all the critics.

who is everybody?

just because he didn't troll and try to raise his stock doesn't mean he isn't good. He is an incredible athlete and lets face it has football in his blood and more importantly the love for the u.

He will kick ***!
why do some people project him at cb over safety if he plays d? or slot as opposed to rb?
RLIII is as Cane as Duke, if not more...if possible. Has more to prove than anyone on the team and the drive to back it up. Football is in his blood and has a knowledge resource that is incomparable. Don't know what he will play but he will be one **** of a Cane!
I will be pulling for him for sure. By his comments about the twitter fans you can tell he is smart like his dad.
I think he's going to surprise a lot of people who thought he only got the offer because of who his dad is.
SMH @ people twittering him hateful comments about his father.

Of course, there are enough mouth breathers on twitter, that i'm sure anyone named "Ray Lewis" might've gotten a few.
Yep...along with anyone named Ray Louis, Raymond Lewis, Reginald Lewis, and Lewis and Clark just to cover all bases.

SMH @ people twittering him hateful comments about his father.

Of course, there are enough mouth breathers on twitter, that i'm sure anyone named "Ray Lewis" might've gotten a few.
SMH @ people twittering him hateful comments about his father.

Of course, there are enough mouth breathers on twitter, that i'm sure anyone named "Ray Lewis" might've gotten a few.

That's the thing about any social media, including message boards. Get a critical mass of people and you end up with enough mouth breathers to put garbage out there.
Polished and well spoken. If he has 40% of the focus and discipline his father has, we'll have a **** of a football player and leader.

I think he'll need 43.7% of the focus, FWIW.
Everybody's already written him off before he's even stepped on campus. Which is sad. Hope he proves all y'all wrong and shuts up all the critics.

who is everybody?

The majority of this board for starters. Half don't think he even deserves an offer. A lot only think he has one because of his name. And many more have already written him off as a career special teamer who isn't good enough to play here.
This kid is going to be a monster at the U, whatever position he plays, he will the demolisher creating havoc all over the field!