Francisco Mauigoa: This team always has the urge to dominate

3 min read
Miami’s defense suffocated USF’s fast-paced run game, holding the Bulls to to 62 yards and 1.9 yards per carry. Francisco Mauigoa met with reporters after the game to discuss the defense:

On the message to the defense at halftime: Focusing on the little details. There were some plays where our eyes were bad, and we needed to fix those. It was about doing our job to the best of our ability and being in the right gap at the right time.

On the penalties: Those things we need to eliminate. We did a better job coming in the second half, responding to penalties. But overall, these guys came out to play, and we need to avoid those. We're going to be ready for next weekend.

On the challenges presented by USF: That's a good offense. We'll give credit to them. They can run the ball. They go tempo. That's a hard thing to stop, being able to run tempo at a really good pace and to be able to be consistent with it. Those were some of the challenges. Being able to keep him in the pocket because he becomes dangerous when he gets out of the pocket using his legs. Those are all the things that we worked out the whole week practicing.

On being down early: Adversity always strikes. You’ve got to keep calm and be able to play the game. You’ve played this game for your entire life. It’s more adversity, and it's another challenge to be able to overcome. These guys came out with the same mentality to dominate every single play. That's Miami Hurricane football right there.

On what he learned about his team: These guys always have the urge to dominate. They have the same mindset from the beginning to the end. Always looking forward to playing at the best of their ability and dominating on the line of scrimmage.

I give credit to this D-line. These guys handled the tempo and were able to rush and run to the ball. It's nothing easy. So I give credit to those guys because without those guys, we wouldn't be able to have the success we have.

On the difference from last year: Everybody's together. This team is very connected, very good atmosphere to be in, always around each other. That's what creates the bond between us, because we love each other so hard that it translates on the field.

On being able to perform with his brother: We've been doing this our whole life. We've been playing together our whole life. In practice, it all translates to game day, being able to encourage each other, watching film together, and correcting each other when mistakes happen. It translates to the game. I know he'll dominate. And I'll try my best to do my job. I trust with all my heart that he'll do his job.


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