Fall Practice Summary- Day 7

2 min read
QB play:

It was a pretty standard day for the quarterbacks. Jarren Williams still throws the most accurate ball, and N’Kosi Perry and Tate Martell still have some accuracy issues. Martell specifically struggled on the intermediate outbreaking routes, although he did have some nice throws. One area of improvement for Martell is his short-throw accuracy, specifically the shallow crossing routes. Martell is now hitting the receivers in stride and allowing them to run through the catch, something he was not doing consistently at the beginning of the week. The biggest issue I have seen with Perry is his deep ball accuracy is not perfect. Often when throwing deep down the sideline, Perry’s passes will sail out of bounds. Perry did connect on some deep sideline passes on Friday night, but he also had some get away from him.

Other Notes:

Louis Hedley continues to be a full participant in practice. He even participated in some tackling drills with the linebackers and strikers.

Lorenzo Lingard is still wearing a brace on his leg, but there does not appear to be many limitations on what he can do. Lingard even lined up as a receiver in some 7v7 sets.

Avery Huff was a participant in practice but was not in full pads. The official roster lists him at 200 pounds, but he looks impressive physically.

Nigel Bethel and Al Blades both hit 20 MPH.


Kj Osborn beat Trajan Bandy.

Dee Wiggins beat DJ Ivey.

Marshall Few beat Amari Carter.

Jeremiah Payton beat Christian Williams.

Mike Harley beat Gurvan Hall.

Brian Hightower beat Te’Cory Couch.

Robert Knowles beat Marshall Few.

Mark Pope beat Al Blades.

Comments (144)

We’re not going to know anything about the QBs until the scrimmages. I hope Manny lets them go live, too. We need to know how they’ll do when they are under immense pressure from what will be a top 25 defense.

this. if were just going by these reports, its clear that Jarren is the best of the bunch. well see how they look in the scrimmages. last year we all clamored for an accurate QB and jarren might be it if he can do it in the scrimmages.
this. if were just going by these reports, its clear that Jarren is the best of the bunch. well see how they look in the scrimmages. last year we all clamored for an accurate QB and jarren might be it if he can do it in the scrimmages.
Remember that the media had seen very little 11v11 to this point. Almost all of what we see is 7v7 or 1v1, both of which have no pass rush.
Good stuff but I’m starving for more. How do the DEs look? Are they absolutely dominating Nelson and Herbert, or do the OTs hold their own on most of the reps? How do the dbs look, especially Ivey and Blades .. and Hall, Smiff and Carter? Is Hall the breakout guy we all thought he would be? Does Ford have any chance of filling the big shoes left behind by Willis?
Good stuff but I’m starving for more. How do the DEs look? Are they absolutely dominating Nelson and Herbert, or do the OTs hold their own on most of the reps? How do the dbs look, especially Ivey and Blades .. and Hall, Smiff and Carter? Is Hall the breakout guy we all thought he would be? Dies Ford have any chance of filling the big shoes left behind by Willis?
We didn’t see any O-line or D-line. Safety’s haven’t been dominant in coverage. Corners have been beat, but the sophomores, specifically Blades, look impressive to me. Blades looks faster and the numbers reflect that.
this. if were just going by these reports, its clear that Jarren is the best of the bunch. well see how they look in the scrimmages. last year we all clamored for an accurate QB and jarren might be it if he can do it in the scrimmages.
Yup, it’s clear Jarren has the most arm talent out of the three, but it won’t matter if he can’t do the following: be accurate when people are right in his face, go through his progressions effectively, and make split-second decisions. Never mind the fact that our QB will have to be someone that Enos trusts to run his offense to perfection.
Yup, it’s clear Jarren has the most arm talent out of the three, but it won’t matter if he can’t do the following: be accurate when people are right in his face, go through his progressions effectively, and make split-second decisions. Never mind the fact that the QB will have to be someone that Enos trusts to run his offense to perfection.
These scrimmages are going to be important and quite honestly need to be live so we will know who won’t flinch in real game situations
We didn’t see any O-line or D-line. Safety’s haven’t been dominant in coverage. Corners have been beat, but the sophomores, specifically Blades, look impressive to me. Blades looks faster and the numbers reflect that.
Safeties and corners are young/inexperienced, but they’ll get better as the year goes on. It shouldn’t be a problem, though, if our front 7 plays like they’re capable of. If they do, no one will benefit more than our secondary.
Is Enos making each QB focus on their specific weakness? Perry throwing deep balls, Tate under center, etc? Or is that just what stands out when you cover the ?highlights vs lowlights
Great to hear about Blades, We knee Ivey was coming along with all the coach praise. But Blades has that dog in him. I really want him to have a breakout season.
We didn’t see any O-line or D-line. Safety’s haven’t been dominant in coverage. Corners have been beat, but the sophomores, specifically Blades, look impressive to me. Blades looks faster and the numbers reflect that.
In 7v7's or just 1v1's?
These scrimmages are going to be important and quite honestly need to be live so we will know who won’t flinch in real game situations

We're less than a month out. We're not putting any QBs live.