Emory Williams vs Ball State Breakdown

2 min read

The Canes made a big switch this past week with true sophomore QB Emory Williams finishing the Ball State game, Reese Poffenbarger received the mop up duty vs UF & FAMU respectively.

In his first action since FSU last season, Emory was able to show his quick release and accurate passing. While most of his 11 completions were short throws, it is the ball placement that promoted yards after the catch opportunities.

His ability to diagnose coverages pre-snap was apparent on several throws, Allowing him to pick and choose when he would push the ball downfield which he did with success going 2/2 on passes over 20 yards. He utilized the Pre-Snap motion to identify the coverage and knew he was going to Lofton the entire time as he looked the Safety off.

As highlighted in the first two clips in the video above, I loved the way he responded after not seeing "x" break open on a corner route. He went to the sideline saw it and when he got the same play call vs Man coverage again, he did not hesitate to hit Ray Ray Joseph on the corner route.

Being able to apply corrections or adjust in your first game back in over a year is impressive, even more so for a true Sophomore. While the canes most certainly will entertain QB's in the transfer portal, It has to feel great to see the development of HS recruits at the position. #GoCanes


Comments (30)

Loved Emory since he got in game 1st time last year and roll my eyes every time I year "next year's QB isnt on team right now blah blah crap" . I agree with that only if Lagway leaves UF which very well might happen. If not Emory is the guy next season IMO.
Loved Emory since he got in game 1st time last year and roll my eyes every time I year "next year's QB isnt on team right now blah blah crap" . I agree with that only if Lagway leaves UF which very well might happen. If not Emory is the guy next season IMO.
Couldn't have said it any better. Lagway wants to transfer in or any one of the Ohio State kids, then yeh, entertain it. But right now, you let the QBs we recruited fight it out. Emory comes out on top.
I missed that shoulder fake on the TD to Lofton. Shows a lot of knowledge and moxie from the young fella.
Glad Emory played well, he has a great upside and this year behind two veteran QB’s absorbing as much knowledge and coaching can only improve that. There’s always low IQ guys here that aren’t happy about anything, but developing recruits is a priority to building and strengthening our foundation, just look at the SemenHoles, that’s a f***ing dead end. And, yes the portal is a must to compliment your home grown kids. Go Canes🙌🏽
I love the kid’s heart and think he can be okay to good but the difference in talent between him and Cam is polarizing. It’s hard not to see a major drop off between the two, should that be the direction we go in. I am not making any declarations. That’s just what I see today. Could absolutely change tomorrow or with a convincing enough argument from others. But no, I don’t think we can compete for a championship with Emory and the roster is quickly accelerating toward a championship roster.
I love the kid’s heart and think he can be okay to good but the difference in talent between him and Cam is polarizing. It’s hard not to see a major drop off between the two, should that be the direction we go in. I am not making any declarations. That’s just what I see today. Could absolutely change tomorrow or with a convincing enough argument from others. But no, I don’t think we can compete for a championship with Emory and the roster is quickly accelerating toward a championship roster.
very true
our qb next year is not on this roster
I love the kid’s heart and think he can be okay to good but the difference in talent between him and Cam is polarizing. It’s hard not to see a major drop off between the two, should that be the direction we go in. I am not making any declarations. That’s just what I see today. Could absolutely change tomorrow or with a convincing enough argument from others. But no, I don’t think we can compete for a championship with Emory and the roster is quickly accelerating toward a championship roster.
Do you think he’s better than Stetson Bennett or could be better? If so, then we’ll be just fine. Having a guy like cam is ideal but sometimes all you need is someone who can he get the ball to playmakers.
Do you think he’s better than Stetson Bennett or could be better? If so, then we’ll be just fine. Having a guy like cam is ideal but sometimes all you need is someone who can he get the ball to playmakers.
I would have agreed with this in the recent past but i think with playoff expansion, unless you have the kind of roster that is head and shoulders better than everyone else, it may be more difficult than when Stetson Bennett won it all. I think it is heading more toward what we see in the NFL, where the teams with the best quarterback actually competes to win it all, as opposed to just making the playoffs.

Last year, Michigan and Washington went to the championship from just a 4 team playoff. Both quarterbacks went in the top 10 of the draft.
Does he throw with the laces yet? Can't tell from that video quality.
Not sure why many in this fanbase discredit Emory. Especially, how he performed in his 2 starts last year, dude gave up an arm for a first down against FSPoo. Good luck to anyone trying to beat him out because Im confident this dude will fight tooth and nail for his spot. I have much respect for him and his performance, in his appearance knocking the rust off.
None of this surprises me in terms of Emory being head and shoulders above Poff and the true freshman Judd Anderson for the job of being QB2 on this team.

It also doesn't surprise me from a developmental standpoint as I envisioned him as having the ability to develop into a big strong accurate pocket passer with mental toughness and competitive fire.

Don't get me wrong. It's still early in his development and this was vs Ball St. Also in watching that film, Dawson and Emory himself would be the first to say that the ball to Ray Ray should have been a TD and the TD to Lofton was underthrown. This isn't an arm strength issue. I think he still needs the game to slow down a bit as he was understandably pressing a bit. It happens to the best of them. He will learn to put more oomph on those balls to get them out in front/ahead of his targets.

Still, all that being said, it really speaks volumes about the kids cojones for him to follow Cam's performance that night with an 11 of 12 ditty of his own. Everything I mentioned as far as my critiques will be addressed with more development which comes with coaching, time and reps. Plus having Cam Ward to mentor you ain't too shabby either.
Loved Emory since he got in game 1st time last year and roll my eyes every time I year "next year's QB isnt on team right now blah blah crap" . I agree with that only if Lagway leaves UF which very well might happen. If not Emory is the guy next season IMO.
Just can’t fall into the trap we did with tvd. Have to bring someone in similar quality or better to promote competition instead of being handicapped with a good team that’s stunted by qb play like 2023.