Elijah Arroyo: I appreciate USF's defense and physicality on film

2 min read
Many around the program (including CanesInSight) pegged Elijah Arroyo as a breakout player all offseason. He’s more than living up to the hype, with 159 yards (22.7 ypc) and two TDs through three games. Arroyo met with reporters to discuss the tight end group:

On the tight end group getting attention: We're just doing a good job. I'm not really worried about any stats or any tight end rankings, none of that. I just want to win games.

On Elija Lofton: He’s doing great. When he scored, me and Cam McCormick went and ran down the field. We almost got a flag. Thankfully, we didn't. We were all happy for him. He deserves it. He's earned it. And I think there's a lot more to come.

On Coach Cristobal saying the tight ends were the funniest group on the team: Everybody's pretty funny in their own way. But I'll give [the the title of funniest] to Elija Lofton. He's pretty goofy. He's funny.

On Cam’s ability to spread the ball: It's great, because we have about four or five receivers, three running backs, multiple tight ends. Everybody could go for 100 yards any day. So Cam being able to spread that out, feel like there's no defense that could really cover everybody.

On Riley Williams hurdling a defender: The hurdling attempt? I'm gonna have to give him a three out of 10. I'm not gonna lie to you. But apart from that, I feel he's doing really well. He's been doing a great job, adjusting to the offense, playing his role. When he gets in the game, he takes advantage. There's really no drop off when he's in the game.

On USF: They're a great, great team. Physical. As a fan of the game, I can say I appreciate their effort and physicality on film. That makes me really excited to play them on Saturday.


Comments (39)

Arroyo is playing great so far and really starting to deliver on his immense potential. I really believe that this is just the beginning with Arroyo. I don't think he's a slam dunk to leave after this year because of the fact he is coming off of being out for close to 2 seasons. I think next year with X and George leaving that he could be the focal point of the passing game and potentially have a 1st team All American type of year. He's just a tremendous player who is just starting to come into his own.
Arroyo is playing great so far and really starting to deliver on his immense potential. I really believe that this is just the beginning with Arroyo. I don't think he's a slam dunk to leave after this year because of the fact he is coming off of being out for close to 2 seasons. I think next year with X and George leaving that he could be the focal point of the passing game and potentially have a 1st team All American type of year. He's just a tremendous player who is just starting to come into his own.

Selfishly, I hope you're right, but this is Year 4. If he keeps playing like this for the rest of the year, he gone.

But I'll think about that in January. For now, I'm so **** happy for this dude. Been a really rough two years for him, I can't imagine his mentals were too fantastic the last couple years here, but he stuck it out, he rehabbed, he trusted his body and the staff, and you're now seeing the player we all knew he was.

Just a complete mismatch nightmare for any team we play, and Dawson is using him perfectly so far. He's lining up all over the field, as he should be becuse he does everything well. All off-season, this was my breakout player for 2024, and so far, so good. 2 games against FBS teams, 6 catches for 142 yards and a TD. I expect a big game out of him on Saturday as well.
Arroyo is playing great so far and really starting to deliver on his immense potential. I really believe that this is just the beginning with Arroyo. I don't think he's a slam dunk to leave after this year because of the fact he is coming off of being out for close to 2 seasons. I think next year with X and George leaving that he could be the focal point of the passing game and potentially have a 1st team All American type of year. He's just a tremendous player who is just starting to come into his own.
Agreed he probably will be our best player on offense next year if he stays
It’s tough because we’ve really only had one true game but the work Beard and the WRs stands out too. Cam puts a lot of pressure on the receivers to be ready at all times. Its still gonna happen from time to time but so far so good from my eyes
It's a great point and you're right that Coach Woodiel and Coach Beard have done great jobs so far in those areas. Cam is also very much involved in this as his leadership has really been the glue that has established a foundational standard in concert with what Mario demands.

While we're on the subject, I know it's still very early but regardless I still think that we might start to discuss just how good this entire coaching staff is. From Woodiel and Beard to Mirabal and Merritt to JT, Big Joe and D Nick to C. Jack to Dawson, Guidry and the boss Mario. Is it too early to say that this staff is elite? I don't think it's too early and that's another thing to give Mario props on. From the beginning he knew it would take some tweeking to get things to where he wanted them. Forward to the present and everything has come together to where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Does this staff rival the staff's Butch had? I don't know but just to be at the point where I can even ask that question is thrilling. Good times.
It's a great point and you're right that Coach Woodiel and Coach Beard have done great jobs so far in those areas. Cam is also very much involved in this as his leadership has really been the glue that has established a foundational standard in concert with what Mario demands.

While we're on the subject, I know it's still very early but regardless I still think that we might start to discuss just how good this entire coaching staff is. From Woodiel and Beard to Mirabal and Merritt to JT, Big Joe and D Nick to C. Jack to Dawson, Guidry and the boss Mario. Is it too early to say that this staff is elite? I don't think it's too early and that's another thing to give Mario props on. From the beginning he knew it would take some tweeking to get things to where he wanted them. Forward to the present and everything has come together to where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Does this staff rival the staff's Butch had? I don't know but just to be at the point where I can even ask that question is just thrilling. Good times.
It’s like that whole chicken or the egg thing with coaches here

Blake Baker was trashed here now he’s one of the highest paid guys in the game (not to tangent just saying sometimes it’s not so simple)

Get better players and the coaches just look more like geniuses. The “development” thing everyone loves to say around here but really don’t have much of a grasp of what’s going on

But that doesn’t mean they’re not great coaches and teachers. It’s early and I’m far from a DB guru, but the little things I’m seeing from our CBs says a lot about Chevis Jackson in a short time

Mario has done a great job the second time around with these hires
Many around the program (including CanesInSight) pegged Elijah Arroyo as a breakout player all offseason. He’s more than living up to the hype, with 159 yards (22.7 ypc) and two TDs through three games. Arroyo met with reporters to discuss the tight end group:

On the tight end group getting attention: We're just doing a good job. I'm not really worried about any stats or any tight end rankings, none of that. I just want to win games.

On Elija Lofton: He’s doing great. When he scored, me and Cam McCormick went and ran down the field. We almost got a flag. Thankfully, we didn't. We were all happy for him. He deserves it. He's earned it. And I think there's a lot more to come.

On Coach Cristobal saying the tight ends were the funniest group on the team: Everybody's pretty funny in their own way. But I'll give [the the title of funniest] to Elija Lofton. He's pretty goofy. He's funny.

On Cam’s ability to spread the ball: It's great, because we have about four or five receivers, three running backs, multiple tight ends. Everybody could go for 100 yards any day. So Cam being able to spread that out, feel like there's no defense that could really cover everybody.

On Riley Williams hurdling a defender: The hurdling attempt? I'm gonna have to give him a three out of 10. I'm not gonna lie to you. But apart from that, I feel he's doing really well. He's been doing a great job, adjusting to the offense, playing his role. When he gets in the game, he takes advantage. There's really no drop off when he's in the game.

On USF: They're a great, great team. Physical. As a fan of the game, I can say I appreciate their effort and physicality on film. That makes me really excited to play them on Saturday.

This is making me emotional.


Does everyone now see the benefit of sacrificing the live chicken?
Arroyo is playing great so far and really starting to deliver on his immense potential. I really believe that this is just the beginning with Arroyo. I don't think he's a slam dunk to leave after this year because of the fact he is coming off of being out for close to 2 seasons. I think next year with X and George leaving that he could be the focal point of the passing game and potentially have a 1st team All American type of year. He's just a tremendous player who is just starting to come into his own.
Yeah but a guy with injury history has to think about getting to the NFL as early as possible. If he ends up with a Day 1-2 draft grade, I would have to advise him to leave. Day 3 and I would advise him to return as he would be a pre-season candidate for the Mackey award or whatever they give to the top TE.
It's a great point and you're right that Coach Woodiel and Coach Beard have done great jobs so far in those areas. Cam is also very much involved in this as his leadership has really been the glue that has established a foundational standard in concert with what Mario demands.

While we're on the subject, I know it's still very early but regardless I still think that we might start to discuss just how good this entire coaching staff is. From Woodiel and Beard to Mirabal and Merritt to JT, Big Joe and D Nick to C. Jack to Dawson, Guidry and the boss Mario. Is it too early to say that this staff is elite? I don't think it's too early and that's another thing to give Mario props on. From the beginning he knew it would take some tweeking to get things to where he wanted them. Forward to the present and everything has come together to where the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Does this staff rival the staff's Butch had? I don't know but just to be at the point where I can even ask that question is thrilling. Good times.
I am impressed by the upgraded staff as well. Time will tell but we seem a lot better prepared. If this staff can keep the players focused week to week we have a chance. CFB is crazy and upsets happen all the time. We can’t afford to step on our ****s this week on the road.
He is killing it in passing game. I need him to step up in run game, few runs get blown up because he misses block at point of attack.. I never noticed him that bad before so hope it was a one game thing but was some bad blocking film last game
If he keeps this up, no way he stays. You dont need alot of film at TE..NFL scouts know that either you got it or you dont. Shockey really only had one year of college film. (2001)... Njuku as well. (2016)... If Arroyo keeps on this pace and we go deep in the playoffs..he will have **** near 13+ games of film to go off of. That is enough. Especially if he keeps ballin out like he is. And like a poster said..this is his 4th yr. Time to ball out and get paid. Pass the reins to Riley Williams.
It’s like that whole chicken or the egg thing with coaches here

Blake Baker was trashed here now he’s one of the highest paid guys in the game (not to tangent just saying sometimes it’s not so simple)

Get better players and the coaches just look more like geniuses. The “development” thing everyone loves to say around here but really don’t have much of a grasp of what’s going on

But that doesn’t mean they’re not great coaches and teachers. It’s early and I’m far from a DB guru, but the little things I’m seeing from our CBs says a lot about Chevis Jackson in a short time

Mario has done a great job the second time around with these hires
Agree with you and @ FrancisSawyer, but I think it goes hand in hand. We’ve had talent wasted by not having the right coaches in place. And we’ve witnessed good coaches get that little extra out of bad players. This staff and the talent we have, likely plays off each other, making each other’s job, performance and scheming that much more productive, if not creative. Sure, Cam is the “glue” as mentioned above, but so is Mario on the coaching staff. When Mario came on board, and the floor fell through his second season, my PTSD kicked in and I said, “Here we go again.” But look where we are. We could still have a tough one down the road, but the frame structure of this team is designed to weather that, IMO.
Arroyo right into Williams and lofton..i feel like we can go crazy out of 12 personnel next year

Neither Williams nor Lofton has the ability that Arroyo has in challenging a defense imo. Real nice TEs but Arroyo offers something dynamic that those two don't.