Edouard is Excited to Be a Cane

Tito Benach
2 min read
2014 QB Alin Edouard always knew that if he were to receive a Miami offer, there was a good chance he would be a Cane. After finally getting an offer, Edouard didn’t wait long.

“I committed to the University of Miami because after the Junior Day last Saturday I felt as if I was already home there. Coach Cristobal and Coach Coley made me feel at home. Also Stacy Coley is there and I wanna play with Stacy Coley.”

Edouard spoke with Canes coaches shortly after his decision and described their excitement.

“I spoke with the coaches like five minutes ago. I talked to Coach Cristobal and he was really excited and I’m really excited too.”

The Hialeah quarterback received word that he got an offer from Miami this morning while in school and was shocked.

“I was in class and my phone kept blowing up, and when I pulled out my phone, I had a message from my coach to come downstairs that he had a surprise for me. I went down there and he told me I had an offer from Miami and my heart stopped. I was like 'Are you serious?'”

Edouard has been a hot topic for most Canes fans recently, and lot of fans have been tweeting at him. Edouard had one message for them.

“Since I committed I want to tell them that I’m gonna stay loyal to the Canes and that there is more 2014 prospects out there and I’ll probably bring some in.”

The athletic prospect is planning to visit Coral Gables for another chance to see the campus.

“Yeah, I’ll probably be going back there next Friday.”

When asked for a level of commitment, Edouard gave an answer most fans would like.

“ I would say, I’m about ninety-nine percent committed right now.”

Comments (35)

I want to play with Stacy Coley.

I can fap to that.
“Since I committed I want to tell them that I’m gonna stay loyal to the “Canes and that there is more 2014 prospects out there and I’ll probably bring some in.”

Get to work on Lammons and Moten dude.
“Since I committed I want to tell them that I’m gonna stay loyal to the “Canes and that there is more 2014 prospects out there and I’ll probably bring some in.”

“ I would say, I’m about ninety nine percent committed right now.”

Never understood this.
Already now and up until NSD next year he will be by far my favorite recruit love this kid
“Since I committed I want to tell them that I’m gonna stay loyal to the “Canes and that there is more 2014 prospects out there and I’ll probably bring some in.”

“ I would say, I’m about ninety nine percent committed right now.”

Never understood this.
“Since I committed I want to tell them that I’m gonna stay loyal to the “Canes and that there is more 2014 prospects out there and I’ll probably bring some in.”

“ I would say, I’m about ninety nine percent committed right now.”

Never understood this.

“Since I committed I want to tell them that I’m gonna stay loyal to the “Canes and that there is more 2014 prospects out there and I’ll probably bring some in.”

Never understood this.

“ I would say, I’m about ninety nine percent committed right now.”

Although it should be understood by all that circumstances can change, commitment isn't just a country song. One either IS or IS NOT. If you're not 100% then you aren't committed. A recruit that takes trips, or invites in-home visits from other coaches is like a guy who tells his girlfriend she is the most important gal in his life but then dates others--that is NOT committed.

Guess some of us were raised differently..
Until he starts visiting other schools and saying he's open, I'm not gonna worry about an arbitrary percent.
I'll take 99% committed over 1% committed and 99% looking any day of the week.
Some of you guys worry too much.

First in the morning "why didn't he commit right away"

And now it's "why is he only 99%"

Simmons posted an article about it on Scout. Says he is likely a 4 star when Scout expands their rankings. Says he is just under 6-2 after seeing him in person (looks like a 6-4 QB when he throws IMO)

He called Cristobal and just BSd with him for a bit before surprising him with the commitment. Thought that was pretty cool.
I think you can translate his 99% committed to mean he's 99% sure he will sign with us.
Which mediocre SEC school will get his commitment on signing day next year?
“Since I committed I want to tell them that I’m gonna stay loyal to the “Canes and that there is more 2014 prospects out there and I’ll probably bring some in.”

“ I would say, I’m about ninety nine percent committed right now.”

Never understood this.

The one percent is comprised of the possibility that
1. We have a Sandusky on our staff
2. He has a career ending injury
3.for whatever reason we drop him
4. Ole miss buys his mom a house