Coach Ice Harris Talks Booker T

Tito Benach
4 min read
I was able to speak with Booker T Washington head coach Ice Harris at the Nike 7 on 7 event regarding his football team, prospects and the University of Miami.

Q: Coach Harris, you guys were at the last tournament, the Dolphin 7 on 7, and now you’re at this one, the Nike 7 on 7. What are you guys trying to do this summer with these 7 on 7’s?

A: “Just trying to do a great job of team building. This is a great opportunity for our team to continue to work together, to work on their schemes, to work on their relationships with coaches and players. These events are great for team building.

Q: Obviously, you guys are also getting ready for the regular season or the “Real Season” as some call it. What are you guys doing during the summer as far as workouts to get ready or get better?

A: “Training, making sure to continue get better in the weight room, to get better in the classroom phase of the game through film, through the playbook area. As well as getting out there and just running and getting into shape, trying to be in the best shape possible going into the season so we can play at a higher level for the schedule we have for our student athletes.”

Q: You guys have a strong team again this year with guys like Treon Harris, Nigel Bethel as well as Chad Thomas, but talk about the young guys for a bit. Guys like Mark Walton, Shaquille Green and James King.

A: “The underclassmen summer is about making sure to keep getting them better through events like this and other camps that we are doing throughout the summer. We’re just trying to make sure to establish that depth because all the back up guys are one play away from being a starter. So we wanna make sure we prepare them to be starters because that can at anytime. Shaquille Green is developing well, after last year really learning the tempo. This summer he has shown a great job with his training, he had a great spring so now we are looking for him to take that next step that we know he can to be able to contribute this season. James King, he is working well. I think our linebacker situation looks good, especially after losing Matthew Thomas, so our young guys have done a great job of stepping up. But the summer is about competing, getting in shape and doing the things they need to show they can become big time player in a big time program.”

Q: With upperclassmen like, Chad Thomas, Nigel Bethel and Treon Harris how do you guide them through the recruiting process. Obviously, the recruiting process is something that can be strenuous and tiring, but what do you guys tell them usually?

A: “The main thing is that they're taking their time understanding the situation,talking to every school, look at every situation and then with your heart and with your family everything will work out to choose the best school possible at that point. But for right now, we're just telling everybody to continue to build that relationship with all the colleges around the country and with that concept and that mental aspect about recruiting they should handle it well throughout the process.”

Q: What are your thoughts on the recent commits Miami has gotten, they’re beginning to get down into south Florida and get all the young and local products. What are your thoughts on it?

A: “I think they’re doing a great job. I think coach (Al) Golden and his staff are doing a tremendous job in terms of making sure locally that they stay home and get the best guys possible at home that are gonna be able to help that program grow and get better to go into national championship setting. I think they’re on the right track in terms of doing the right things they’re supposed to do here in south Florida.”

Comments (11)

Did he say anything about Demetrius Jackson? His potential & level he's at now? Wish he would've talked about Mark Walton also I saw you put the question about him too.

Good read Tito
I'm glad Ice is stepping up... Now if we land Chad and his son, that would be proof the wound has healed... Go Canes!
I might trust him again if he admitted he was mad about being fired and wanted to get back at Golden. Then he would have the cred to say he is over it. I don't blame him for what the kids did last year, but his reaction said everything.
It's not Al Golden's job to satisfy these So Fla high school coaches...his job is to find the best players possible WHEREVER they may be...
Shaquille Green primed for breakout Jr. Season, Kid has a bright future he's a beast.
I might trust him again if he admitted he was mad about being fired and wanted to get back at Golden. Then he would have the cred to say he is over it. I don't blame him for what the kids did last year, but his reaction said everything.

Coach Ice Isn't the type to hold a grudge, He was protecting his players. He is a great Coach and Mentor to our youth and is big figure in the Overtown community.Hehasno reason to be mad at Um when everythig he learned there he brings back and give to these kids and prepare them for the next level. He has Booker T. back as a Powerhouse in Miami. And the kids are thriving under his leadership Great Coach and Staff and loves his kids and goes to bat for any of them. He has no reason to be bitter. So please don't talk bad about him if you don't know him.
I might trust him again if he admitted he was mad about being fired and wanted to get back at Golden. Then he would have the cred to say he is over it. I don't blame him for what the kids did last year, but his reaction said everything.

Coach Ice Isn't the type to hold a grudge, He was protecting his players. He is a great Coach and Mentor to our youth and is big figure in the Overtown community.Hehasno reason to be mad at Um when everythig he learned there he brings back and give to these kids and prepare them for the next level. He has Booker T. back as a Powerhouse in Miami. And the kids are thriving under his leadership Great Coach and Staff and loves his kids and goes to bat for any of them. He has no reason to be bitter. So please don't talk bad about him if you don't know him.

Being a great coach and good man does not preclude being angry. Golden did not retain him. Most would be at least annoyed by that. I certainly would. It is his reaction last cycle, rather, the attacking nature of it that sure seems to be someone who felt wronged and saw a chance to get some payback. I do not call him bad for this, indeed I would understand it. By the same token, it is not unreasonable to be concerned that he still harbors ill will. His allegiance is and should be to his kids. That is fine. I paid tuition to THE U for my Doctorate and have been a CANE fan for 50 yrs. That is where my allegiance stands. If Coach Ice has another opportunity to sling an arrow but does not, then I will trust him again, within limits. I hope you are right. His sons are Canes and that means much to me.