Carter Still Pushing Hard

Peter Ariz
Peter Ariz
2 min read
The Southridge Spartans haven't gotten of to the start that they had hoped for this season. Assistant Coach/Offensive Coordinator Don Soldinger gave the team an inspired speech after the game.

"He just said that we goth become a team. We're not disciplined like they were (Columbus). He said we were a better team than them, but they were just more disciplined."

Despite his team trailing by more than three scores in the fourth quarter, Carter kept going at it hard on the field.

"I have a lot of passion for the game of football. No matter what, you can't hold me down."

Miami Defensive Backs coach Paul Williams was on hand to watch the game.

"That showed me that they still really care for me even though I'm committed."

Carter has been keeping an eye on close friend, Deon Bush, and Tracy Howard, but also sees the defense needs to improve as a whole.

"They've been playing real good (Deon and Tracy). The defense has to do a whole lot to improve, though because a lot of the guys out there were playing scared. They probably just had a bad week, but the just have to come out strong this week."

The Spartans will face 3-0 Killian next week, as they look to get their season back on track.

"We just gotta work hard in practice and then hopefully come out with the win."

He had some closing words about the 'Canes.

"I'm set on Miami."

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