Carnival Of Schadenfreude: Bye Week Edition

Dan E. Dangerously
Dan E. Dangerously
6 min read

Welcome to the Carnival of Schadenfreude. Most sporting events are extremely emotional. College football certainly is. Week in, and week to game...from start to finish...I'm all out of cliches. Anyways, when people are emotional, they make funny faces. Since Miami didn't play this week, this is where we all point and laugh at the people who went through **** when their team lost this week. There were a lot of good ones.

Butch Jones: The "What the **** are you doing?" face


Earlier this week, Cincinnati QB Munchie Legaux (what a name) proclaimed he was better than Teddy Bridgewater. That's cool. I like when guys speak their mind in the press, you just gotta back it up. Instead Munchie went 13 of 28 for 127 yards, a touchdown, and three interceptions. One of those picks came in OT. Reading head coach Butch Jones' lips when Legaux came to the sideline, you could tell he was like "Dude, it was 3rd down in overtime...we could have kicked a field goal". Louisville kicked a field goal on the ensuing possession to win the game 34-31.

Derek DooLOLey: The "Is Gruden to UT official?" face


This week saw the return of #GrudenWatch. This time he's **** teasing Tennessee fans. The look on Dooley's face tells he's got two possible problems. He's either too caught up in Gruden Mania to focus on his ****** team, or he's ****ed that Marcus Lattimore ****ed up his other leg and he still couldn't beat South Carolina.

Tom O'Brien: The "Thanks for letting Bernard get away Randy Shannon" face



NC State Sideline: The "Punting to Bernard was a bad choice" face



NC State Sideline: The "OMG, I can't believe I play for NC State" face


NC State lead UNC 35-25 in the 4th quarter. UNC tied it up and NC State couldn't run the clock out to get to overtime. They had to punt with about :30 left in the game. Gio Bernard took the return to the house and they tacked on a 2 point conversion for good measure (and to cover the spread) to win 43-35. You think we're ****ed about Bernard getting away? Bet NC State feels real good about him playing for their biggest rival. Look at the 2nd pic again. That's what it's like to watch a game slip away right in front of you.

Chip the Buffalo: The "Please make it stop" face


Oregon beat Colorado 70-14. Nothing else needs to be said that the picture doesn't already tell you.

Florida Fans: The "It sucks to be a Florida Gator" face



Jordan Reed: The "I lost the game all by myself" face


Yea we suck, but watching Florida lose brings joy to my heart. Nothing better than watching these white trash pieces of **** get all jammed up. They were so sure that they were as good as their ranking said it was. Byeeeeeee. Also, I'd like to take the time to congratulate Jordan Reed. He showed everyone he can jump high. Problem is he just can't jump and hold onto the ball at the same time.

Marquise Lee: The "I had over 300 yards receiving & all I got to show for it was this L" face


[TABLE="width: 131"]
[TD] Yards[/TD]

Look at those stats. How would you feel if you put up numbers like that but couldn't come down with the Hail Mary in the endzone as time expired? Yikes. Hey, remember when USC was ranked #1? Yea that was pretty cool.

Bob Stoops: The "Typical Notre Dame Refs" face



Sooner Fans: The "I can't believe we're gonna lose to Notre Dame" face


There's only one thing worse than losing to Notre Dame. That is losing to Notre Dame when they might actually be half-way decent. That's not what Bob Stoops is pist off about though. Once again, Notre Dame won a game where the refs were ******* morons.

The first incident occurred when OU though they had just rushed for a TD. However, the referee threw his flag 5 seconds after the ball carrier crossed the goal line. OU already had their XP team on the field before they even knew there was a penalty. The ref never announced the penalty. Unreal.

The second horrible moment ended the game. A deflected ball landed right in Manti Te'o hands, interception right? Well, turns out the ball hit the ground and popped up. It was reviewed and upheld. Total bull****. Notre Dame is allowed to do whatever they want. Just give them the title already. There isn't any point in playing the rest of the season.

The guys in last pic have to be suicidal. They got front row seats to the touchdown that ends their teams BCS hopes.

Comments (14)

Nice as usual. Could have used a few deranged Muschamp pics like:
That int by ND looked like it was pass interference. Unreal.
That int by ND looked like it was pass interference. Unreal.

Yeah, but it was PI, followed by an unsuccessful attempt to intercept the pass, so naturally ND ball and credit Teo with another interception for doing nothing in particular.
OU already had their XP team on the field before they even knew there was a penalty. The ref never announced the penalty. Unreal.

THIS. They didnt even bother to make something up, they just said "yea no touchdown there"
If ND makes it to the ship, I hope whoever plays opposite them breaks them and their will to play. I hate those golden domer midget retards.
If ND makes it to the ship, I hope whoever plays opposite them breaks them and their will to play. I hate those golden domer midget retards.

I hope my alma mater (BC) shocks them next week!
I'm low on my meds, obviously.