Canes on the rise with Del Rio after FSU game visit

Stefan Adams
3 min read
2021 McEachern (GA) QB Carlos Del Rio was one of the few out of state recruits to make his own way down to Miami to watch the Hurricanes take on the Seminoles last weekend.

“Aw man that game was crazy!,” Del Rio said. “That was one of the best games I’ve been to.”

Of course, the Canes won the game in thrilling fashion, coming back from down 20 points to pull out the victory on the backs of the defense and QB N’Kosi Perry, who had 4 TD passes. Del Rio was paying close attention to how Perry played and what style of offense UM was running.

“I think the QB can make plays in that offense when he gets some time,” Del Rio said of Perry.

On the visit, Del Rio felt right at home with some others from the Georgia contingent that came down to see the game and spent most of his time talking to them.

“I knew Jadon Haselwood, Javon Baker, and a couple other guys just from other local schools,” Del Rio said.

Asked what Haselwood said about the visit, Del Rio said: “We were just talking about how crazy it was out there. We really enjoyed it.”

This was Del Rio’s second trip down south for the purpose of seeing UM, as he made his way to Miami’s campus back in June as well for a Mark Richt summer camp, which is when he landed his Miami offer after impressing the staff in-person. Also, Del Rio’s family on his father’s side is from Miami, so he’s no stranger to the area.

“Before the game, we also walked around a little outside and ate at Benihana, everybody everywhere had UM stuff,” Del Rio said of the rest of his visit.

Did the trip ultimately help the Canes move up in his mind?

“Yes, I’ve got to say UM ranks way up there,” Del Rio said.

It’s only Del Rio’s sophomore season at McEachern, but he’s already lighting up the field for the 4-2 Indians.

“It’s going pretty good, I think we’re going be there in the end,” Del Rio said of his sophomore season. “I’m averaging 289 yards per game, have about 17 TD’s so far.”

After Del Rio got his Miami offer in June, schools like FSU and Arkansas also threw their hat in the ring and gave verbal scholarships to the 6’2” 195 pounder. That’s not all, though: Del Rio is in contact with some big-time programs that all want him to take a trip to their campus this season.

“A lot of schools say they want me to come visit like Clemson, Ohio State, Michigan State, and Auburn,” Del Rio said. “Also, Alabama is supposed to be offering soon.”

Del Rio doesn’t yet claim any leaders or top groups and plans to take his recruitment slow. The McEachern star won’t make any decisions until at least the end of his junior year.

“UM is definitely up there,” Del Rio said. “But my dad said slow down and check everybody out, don’t just make quick decisions.”

What is it about Miami that would make Del Rio pick the Canes in the end?

“The environment is cool,” Del Rio said. “The school is a top school and when I was coached in the camp by coach (Mark) Richt it was pretty cool, I liked his plays.”


Comments (16)

The kid is supposed to be big time, glad we are getting in there early with him
Thanks Stefan!

Seems like he is a priority for the 2021 class. Curious to see if Kiael Kelly (Kenny's son) ends up being a target for us, he's getting alot of hype as well.
Thanks Stefan!

Seems like he is a priority for the 2021 class. Curious to see if Kiael Kelly (Kenny's son) ends up being a target for us, he's getting alot of hype as well.
First I hear about Kenny Kelly's son. what are his stats, size, etc? Any good, love the legacies!
@Stefan Adams With the schools that are mentioned in the article this kid has got to be top 30 in the nations for the 2021 class? I know is way way early, but how does he stack up in the 2021 class? Hoping the fathers's Miami connection are positives...Are the grandparents here?
Sounds like he wants to commit to us.

Bama is gonna sell him on Tua’s success and being his replacement.
@Stefan Adams....Are we also going to pursue Kiael Kelly?

Personally I prefer Kiael Kelly to Del Rio. Kelly looks like a pure passer to me. Kelly seems very polished for a player his age. He shows very good footwork, great field vision and accuracy with the ability to hurt the defense with his legs. Also he is asked to go from under center in his offense and he is fluid and natural in his drops. I would love to read what @Roman Marciante thinks of Kelly. I think he has the chance to be elite.
@Stefan Adams....Are we also going to pursue Kiael Kelly?

Personally I prefer Kiael Kelly to Del Rio. Kelly looks like a pure passer to me. Kelly seems very polished for a player his age. He shows very good footwork, great field vision and accuracy with the ability to hurt the defense with his legs. Also he is asked to go from under center in his offense and he is fluid and natural in his drops. I would love to read what @Roman Marciante thinks of Kelly. I think he has the chance to be elite.

Can you show me some film please. The advantage del has is he came down here and impressed the coaches already. I havent heard about kelly son until this thread arrived but you guys have me curious to say the least.