Cam Ward talks Virginia Tech, his cousin Kyron Drones, and more

3 min read
Cam Ward continued his Heisman campaign against USF, with 404 yards and 3 TDs through the air. Ward met with reporters to discuss the upcoming game against Virginia Tech:

On Virginia Tech’s quarterback, Kyron Drones: Kyron, we found out we were cousins, I would say my junior year of high school. So not too long ago, about four or five years ago. But it's been good. We've been building ever since. We work with the same quarterback coach. I'm just ready to play the game.

On how the team stays balanced: Just keep playing together like we are. Even when we're not having an explosive drive on offense, if we get stopped, we know the defense is going to come up big for us. If the defense gives up a couple points, we know we got them. So I would say we just got to stick to playing for each other, playing complementary football, and hopefully things continue to go our way.

On his taunting of USF: It was just fun. South Florida is probably the first team who actually came out and was very physical with us. That's the brand of football that we pride ourselves on. That's the brand of football that we want to be. And South Florida being at home, they wanted to win the game. They came out ready to hit. It’s football at the end of the day. After the game, we dap it up. But in between those lines, it's war.

On Xavier Restrepo: I first heard of him when I watched the bowl game in December. So from that bowl game, I knew he was a dog. The plays that he makes in a game, he makes crazier plays in practice. Hopefully, we get the right situation this year, at least one play. We've been working on this throw. We hit it in practice a couple of times already. He makes some crazy catches, and I hope we can show y'all that crazy catch he’ll end up doing in the game.

On Virginia Tech’s defense: They're got a good defensive line. I think it's a strong point. They’ve got a great linebacker core, a great secondary core. It’s going to come down to us executing, putting the ball in play. They're a very physical team. It's the first ACC game, so you know both of us are trying to win. It's going to be a good game.

On if he’s spoken to Kyron Drones this week: No.


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