Bond Updates the Latest

Tito Benach
2 min read
2013 JUCO LB Devante Bond was expected to be suiting up for the Hurricanes this fall and contribute to the pass rush. However, it seems as if those plans will have to wait until possibly next year.

“I will not be in Miami this fall, possibly not until December.”

Bond was having issues with class credits and explained what held him back from enrolling.

“Pretty much, in the spring semester I didn’t handle what I needed to do. Pretty much I needed 12 units to transfer over, but when you’re at a JUCO you can only have nine transfer over. So I’m gonna be taking an extra class this fall and I came up short in units.”

While most would think that Bond’s chances of playing at Miami maybe out the window, the Hurricane coaches are keeping in touch.

“I talked to them a couple weeks ago about it, I’ve just been focused on school right now. They’re pretty much telling me to focus on school and they’re making sure I pass my classes in the summer.”

The question now remains whether the coaches will honor Bond’s scholarship and let him be apart of the 2014 recruiting class.

“I’ll talk to them about renewing my scholarship for next year. That’s where I want to be at, so thats pretty much my plan.”

Despite the setback, ‘Canes fans are still pulling for him to be apart of the Orange and Green family and he was happy to hear that.

“If I do arrive when I’m supposed to I’m going to be ready and I’m going to be ready to compete for a spot. I want to be at Miami and there where I want to go and if I’m there in the spring I’ll be ready to go.”

Comments (37)

Gotta love his determination to get here. Most kids would have given up.
****! Was really hoping to get bond in this fall. Get your grades up young man and see you in january hopefully!!!!
lots of good d-ends if he can arrive in "14" with harris and thomas and a sophmore Al-Quadin
He would have 2 yrs to play 2 yrs or he could test the NFL waters since he would have been out of high school for 3 years by spring of 2014 ( he is good but I don't if he is NFL ready just yet.) In case UM doesn't renew his scholarship.

UM definitely needs to sign nebraska transfer 2013 DE Earnst Suttle now that Bond isn't coming, sounds like that is why staff has been working on Suttle for a few weeks now.

Go Canes
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and there's paranos w/ his crazy scenario. kid might just declare for the nfl. smh.
Sucks we can get him in this year, but it could be worse. Just do what you need to do and get here in 2014.