Article: Holy @#@& Miami Defeats Duke on Final Play

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Comments (33)

I had stopped watching because I thought the game as over. I was hurting because I wanted this one bad. And it had been a while since a football loss made me depressed. Not since I was in my teens. I even have a post in the gameday thread saying "that one hurt...", because I thought game had ended. And then that. WOW! never been so happy to be wrong in my life. Just wish I saw it live.
When Duke punched it in, I ripped out my hat hanger off the wall and threw it into the yard. And initially, I turned the stream off because I was so damned mad. Then I realized I needed to watch the end of the game because its therapy when you are a ****ed Canes fan.

Then the kickoff.

Boys, we will remember this forever for the rest of our days. Enjoy it. :)

(P.S., my hat hanger is still out in the yard)
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When Duke punched it in, I ripped out my hat hanger off the wall and threw it into the yard. And initially, I turned the stream off because I was so damned mad. Then I realized I needed to watch the end of the game because its therapy when you are a ****ed Canes fan.

Then the kickoff.

Boys, we will remember this forever for the rest of our days. Enjoy it. :)

(P.S., my hat hanger is still out in the yard)

it took awhile for me to get my stream back up, but I was follow posts on the message board. First everyone was mad then everyone started saying we won and I was like WTF you mean we won, the game is over right? right?.....Happily wrong.
My old man texted me when Duke scored with 6 seconds left. He said Miami got screwed. I texted back that it was not over they still had to kick. Duke kicked we won. ******* cool.
it took awhile for me to get my stream back up, but I was follow posts on the message board. First everyone was mad then everyone started saying we won and I was like WTF you mean we won, the game is over right? right?.....Happily wrong.

I run a custom gaming PC brother. It eats live streams for breakfast. :D
eveyone left the room. Then came running back when I started screaming my head off & jumping around
Then they wanted to rewind. Umm.... FVCK NO!
Wow. I can't even come close to recreating my outrage or references to Terry Porter. Then the officials "totally redeemed themselves."
Didn't have it live in SoCal. Was using the updates on ESPN and the Gameday Discussion here. Was still complaining about the refs and Dorito when someone posted a wooooooooooooo! I wasn't sure what it meant. Then the posts about clipping and no TD and a review. Finally, ESPN posted the final score. My goodness. What sweet justice after terrible officiating in the last minute of play. Meanwhile, we still have the other half of the Siamese Twins. That guy has to go. And, what's up with Elder saying something like they won this for Coach Golden? Check the ESPN highlights. He really said that. I'll take Scott over Golden any day. Imagine what the team could do if UM spent $4 million for a top coach.
I was still screaming about the bs pass interference calls then came a miracle! Sooooo happy for the players! They truly deserved a win like this after a very emotional week. Especially for Burns. Simply amazing. Go Canes!
This was literally the mkst amazing play ive ever actually seen live on television. The only other play that can compare is the Kick 6 that Auburn had against Bama. This **** was ******* wild. I literally lost my voice on that one play. I think i might have died and was resurrected. **** was wild. **** that was straight up as great as that Cal band kickoff return against Stanford, thats how insane this was. Holy ****, it happened like 5 hours ago, and i still cant even believe it happened. Regardless how bs that block in the back call was, the refs arent allowed to reverse a block in the back call, so how the **** we actually got the TD at all i have no clue. Wow.
The play that Corn Elder made BEFORE he ran it back was the move that made it happen.

So brilliant!!!!!!!
The play that Corn Elder made BEFORE he ran it back was the move that made it happen.

So brilliant!!!!!!!

The two laterals by Dallas Crawford were beauties. The last one to Corn might have been the best pass of the night.
The play that Corn Elder made BEFORE he ran it back was the move that made it happen.

So brilliant!!!!!!!

The two laterals by Dallas Crawford were beauties. The last one to Corn might have been the best pass of the night.

I agree if you are willing to ignore the pass that Malik Rosier made to Waters on the TD.
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