2015 DE Ford Has Miami Leading

Tito Benach
2 min read
2015 East Bay (Fla.) defensive end Marques Ford is hearing from a handful of schools at the moment, but a big time offer came in for him recently that shaken up his recruiting situation.

“I’ve been talking with Georgia Southern, Central Michigan, FIU, UCF, USF, Miami, Rutgers and Wake Forest. Miami offered today and it was great. I got a call from my coaches. He told me that the Miami coaches offered and I was excited.”

Ford had been in constant contact with Hurricanes defensive line coach Jethro Franklin, up to this point and really liked the bond he’s built with him.

“I’ve talked to some of them and I’ve been down to the camps. Jethro Franklin, he’s great. He’s really a good guy and he sends me pictures about the school and it’s cool.”

The 6’4 240 pound rush end has a top list of schools and the ‘Canes are out in front.

“Miami, Rutgers, Wake Forest and Marshall.”

Ford is really intrigued by the facilities and the atmosphere in Coral Gables.

“I like the facilities and the environment of the school.”

The East Bay high school product has only one visit confirmed for the moment which is to Rutgers next week, but he might take a trip to see the Hurricane staff next week as well.

“I was actually thinking about it today and trying to talk about going sometime next week, I got to see though.”

Two big factors will help Ford make this decision and he doesn’t plan on making one until his senior year.

“The academic environment and the interest of the coaching staff in me.”


Comments (17)


Bro, we lift rusty weights inside a tin roof shack that leaks when it rains.

Dude is clearly a mental midget. Do. Not. Want.
As always happens with this staff, you can expect multiple offers to emerge for this kid
I think his post was one of sarcasm since people seem to think Miami's facilities are 1970ish.

He is okay, nothing special. he plays end Textbook and has really great pursit overall just a solid football player.
Beast!! We are trying to bring in as many pass rushers as possible!!!

Bro, we lift rusty weights inside a tin roof shack that leaks when it rains.

Dude is clearly a mental midget. Do. Not. Want.


All Pro WR Andre Johnson and other NFL Stars choose to come lift inside that tin roof.

Oh.. Negged.
So I guess the "rusty weights" and "tin roof" were taken as a knock on our facilities instead of a knock on those who still ***** about our facilities, despite improvements (and comments like Ford's)? Oh well.
My turf!! Can say they always had tough kids come out of this HS. Used to battle them as a youth coach. Can say they pulled from the Palm River and Progress Village areas of Hillsborough County that are filled with good athletes. I'll follow up with my contacts and see what they think. I'll have to say he looks very athletic, fast and if 6'4'' 240 is true, then he's very impressive. Only the kid from Hallendale impresses me more.
I don't understand the constant Marshall bashing. They take plenty of kids that do not have grade issues. They have tons of Florida and Miami players, and not all are academic casualities. Some like Cato and Shuler just weren't recruited by UM. Yes, some of the higher regarded signees like Grooms and AJL didn't initially have the grades but that's not always the case. AJ Leggett and Michael Johnson were eligible right away. I just don't get it, it's not like they are taking our recruits from us. It gets annoying anytime someone mentions Marshall, 5 people chirp in with oh his grades must suck.
My turf!! Can say they always had tough kids come out of this HS. Used to battle them as a youth coach. Can say they pulled from the Palm River and Progress Village areas of Hillsborough County that are filled with good athletes. I'll follow up with my contacts and see what they think. I'll have to say he looks very athletic, fast and if 6'4'' 240 is true, then he's very impressive. Only the kid from Hallendale impresses me more.

Which kid from Hallandale are you talking about?

Are you referring to 2015 OLB Sh'Mar Kilby-Lane

Link to Thread about Kilby-Lane.
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Yes I am referring to Kilby-Lane. Spoke to my contact about Ford. He said Cowart and Patchan get most of the attention around here in Tampa, but he'll take Ford over both. Says he feels Cowart will probably eventually get moved to the inside because he's not athletic and gets by with superior size and strength. Says Patchan size and name makes him a top D-1 prospect, but questions his toughness. On the other hand he says Ford has good frame that can easily accommodate 265+. Is quicker and faster than Cowart and Patchan. Has good strength and what he likes best is his non-stop motor, never takes a play off. Says kid never quits on a play and he's seen him chase down running backs and receivers. When I looked at Fords film you can see the previously mentioned aspects of his game.

He is okay, nothing special. he plays end Textbook and has really great pursit overall just a solid football player.

Agree . His motor is what really sticks out, nothing else really blows me away. Solid.