2014-15 Miami Hurricanes Tennis Rosters

2 min read
The Miami Hurricanes team tennis season is just around the corner. The men's season starts on January 18 when they host Florida Atlantic and the women's season starts with the Miami Spring Invite at home on January 21. This year's teams are among the most internationally diverse teams in the country. The men have ten members this year with players from Brazil, Guatemala, Poland, Sweden, and six from the United States. The freshmen were ranked No. 8 in the recruiting class rankings last year. The women's team has nine members with two from Germany and one each from Brazil, Canada, China, Ireland, Latvia, Puerto Rico, Spain and Venezuela. That's right. There is not a single American on the women's team.
The teams are also very young. The men's team will have two seniors, two sophomores and six freshmen this season. The women will have two seniors on the team, followed by two juniors and five freshmen.

2015 Canes Men.webp
(From left: Bondar, Clark, Fahnehjelm, Gonzalez, Harrington, Langmo, Lomacki, Shebshayevich, Tefel, Tsukamoto)

2015 Women's team.webp
(From left: Albuquerque, Bohnenkamp, Fuentes, Lileikite, Lohan, Ogando, Riobueno, Wagner, Zhang)

As for the coaching staff, Mario Rincon (Colombia) is in his 11th year as manager of the Canes. His assistant head coach is Mark ****son (Florida) and the volunteer assistant coach will be Billy Federhofer (Florida). ****son is in his 4th year at Miami while Federhofer is a former Florida Gator originally from Miami. On the women's side, Paige Yaroshuk-Tews (USA) is in her her 13th year with the Canes. Her assistant is Laura Vallverdu of Venezuela. Vallverdu will be in her first year as assistant after serving last year as volunteer assistant for the Canes. She is also the sister of former Cane All-American Dani Vallverdu.

2015 Canes Coaches.webp
(From left: Rincon, ****son, Yaroshuk-Tews, Vallverdu)

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