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  1. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    “If I can get paid to go to UM, why would I go to Alabama” - TY Hilton

    You realize that all of this is made up ****, don’t you? I have my doubts.
  2. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    “If I can get paid to go to UM, why would I go to Alabama” - TY Hilton

    The ****? guess in your world trannies are gods. Let me know when you return back to planet Earth from the planet Zendark then we can talk.
  3. OriginalCanesCanesCanes

    “If I can get paid to go to UM, why would I go to Alabama” - TY Hilton

    Are you really this ignorant? I’m not defending Mario, but you just sound like one of those ignorant fans that spews whatever uninformed **** that pops into their head. Get better informed and get a new avi while you’re at it, that GAF one makes me want to punch it in the face.