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  1. SayWhat

    Trajan Bandy is ****ed

    I would bet a large sum of money on the CFL offers only being a thing in his head that he's putting out there. He's not likely making their league minimum of 70k. If he is, then good for him, but you only get so many opportunities, so why turn down one? I still feel there's something wrong...
  2. SayWhat

    Trajan Bandy is ****ed

    Yup, he's lost it or losing it. An agent doesn't make money if you don't. If you could help a team, you'd get on one. Lastly, all this silly woe is me drama, you just sealed your fate of ever earning a penny in the sport. Nobody wants that drama. He's wasting time and should be...
  3. SayWhat

    Trajan Bandy is ****ed

    That's one **** of a guess that many people will run with as fact since it fits their agenda. One thing coaches are generally amongst one another is honest. There's two main reasons for that. The coaching fraternity is small in the sense that it's all connected. There's usually always...
  4. SayWhat

    Trajan Bandy is ****ed

    That doesn't come across as someone who is in full control of their mental state. Hope I'm wrong, but that's all just very off.